I wish to replace a PIR lamp which has failed. When removing the old lamp, there were five wires 2 live, 2 neutral and an earth. However the two lives were connected outside the lamp terminals. Is this safe and, if so, how should the two neutrals be connected ?
Look closely at your photo there are two earth wires in that bit of green yellow sleeve.
So you have two standard Twin & Earth cables.
One cable is probably Red (live) and Black (neutral) + earth supply from the consumer unit, or previous light in the circuit...
The other cable is probably Red (live) and Black (Switched live) + earth to/from the manual light switch..
So one of blacks, the proper supply neutral, should go onto the neutral of the new light fitting...
And the switched live Black, (which should have had a red sleeve or tape around it), will go onto the live of the new light fiting..
And as it was previously the two reds should be connected together in a separate terminal..
to take the live supply to the switch, but not connected to the lamp, otherwise you will not be able to turn the light off..
Unless it is a class 2 Double insulated light fitting, then the two earths should be securely terminated into the earth terminal on the light.. If it is Class 2 then they should be left connected to each other in a suitable terminal connector.
If you attempted to just joint the two reds and two blacks together into the live & neutral terminals of the light..
When the switch was turned off, the light would be permanently on..
And if you turned the switch on it would directly short out the supply, tripping the fuse and possibly welding the switch contacts together..
So you need to do some dead testing to identify exactly which cable is which, and do not attempt random connections and just putting the power back on to see if it works!!