Work at the moment

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Sparky Luke

Junior Member
Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
I'm currently applying and looking for a placement and i were wondering is they a shortage of work around at the moment? And if so why?

Although not much help to you Sparky Luke, the recession is still in force and work is short in many market sectors. Several large companies that closed have redundant staff looking around to re-skill and re-train. A few market sectors talk of signs of growth but it takes time before this equates to new staff taken on. You will just have to stick with it and not give up, keep knocking those doors and hopefully one will open.

Doc H.

Is there a shortage of work says Sparky Luke,......... Hello,.....where have you been Luke ;) May be something to do with the world's banking system collapsing last year :| . The construction industry grinding to a halt ,closing all the sites down and also a total stop on house building.
