Working Out Amps For A 3-Phase Machine

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So Chr!s,

If the pf is unity then the circuit uses no kVA what so ever?

Interesting point, I would love to know how this happens, according to your statement.

Yeah, thanks for all your help.

i am fully qualified by the way with all the certs but suffered a small stroke recently and my brain isn't working properly.

all my books were at home so had nothing to refer to.

thanks a lot anyway


None of this debate on the doubt of the info was aimed at you.

You can only work with the info you are given mate.

Don't stress, or feel that you have to explain, your question was OK, and simply detailed really what was needed to identify the correct specification, with the info you posted.

You are cool mate, it's fine, there was just some debate as to the detail of your post, which, was not necessarily your fault, depending on the detail you were given! ;)

Also it seems that certain members have varying ideas on what is current it seems!

Stay cool bha!

I have number crunched the calculations as post 12.

If p.f is one, current per line is as Sidewinder states;

53A and if p.f is 1, then KW equals KVA.

I have done this twice; calculator and slide rule.

Hi bhamoggy.

Yeah, do not pay much attention to us lot, just doing the usual having a bit of techy type fun!! Was in bed with the missus a short while ago explaining how i must get up [out of bed that is!] as darwin was quite right, but that over the years us blokes have evolved from a compulsive urge to go and club a dinosaur to one that involves being mysteriously being drawn to the garden shed to tinker with motorbikes and lathes!! My missus says she wants to learn to weld though, but i think discussions on power factor and stuff are a bit beyond her [and me!!!]


 discussions on power factor and stuff are a bit beyond her [and me!!!]

Come off it John.....
