tested a garage to day recored the r1+r2 of the sockets had a reading of 0.40ohm
testing loop test (Zs) got a reading of 1.20ohm
test Ze at the house CU and got a reading of 0.21ohm (tncs)
Ze+ (r1+r2) = 0.61ohm
so why was i reading 1.20ohm on my tester from last socket ?
should i be worryed ?
testing loop test (Zs) got a reading of 1.20ohm
test Ze at the house CU and got a reading of 0.21ohm (tncs)
Ze+ (r1+r2) = 0.61ohm
so why was i reading 1.20ohm on my tester from last socket ?
should i be worryed ?