Looking For An Apprenticeship In The Ayrshire Or Glasgow Area.

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Jul 16, 2015
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Hi there, sorry to bother you all I am relatively new to this forum and I am currently on the hunt for an electrical apprenticeship now after finishing college. At school I obtained intermediate 2's in maths, physics and english at intermediate 2 level (which is the equivalent to standard grade credit level) I then when to college and completed an svq level 2 pre apprenticeship course. I have also completed and passed the SECTT test.

If anybody knows any electricans in the Ayrshire or Glasgow Area who are looking to take on an apprentice feel free to give me a message.

Hi there, sorry to bother you all I am relatively new to this forum and I am currently on the hunt for an electrical apprenticeship now after finishing college. At school I obtained intermediate 2's in maths, physics and english at intermediate 2 level (which is the equivalent to standard grade credit level) I then when to college and completed an svq level 2 pre apprenticeship course. I have also completed and passed the SECTT test.

If anybody knows any electricans in the Ayrshire or Glasgow Area who are looking to take on an apprenticeship please let me know.

Thanks again, Shaun.

Hi there, sorry to bother you all I am relatively new to this forum and I am currently on the hunt for an electrical apprenticeship now after finishing college. At school I obtained intermediate 2's in maths, physics and english at intermediate 2 level (which is the equivalent to standard grade credit level) I then went to college and completed an svq level 2 pre apprenticeship course. I have also completed and passed the SECTT test.

If anybody is or knows of any companies taking on, please get in touch.

hey SPapprentice hows the hunt going to find an apprenticeship?? have you managed to get a hand on this forum posting yet??lol if you are still looking I would take a look at the government apprenticeship site helped me out or alternatively you could take a look at NotGoingToUni or FindApprenticeships.

best of luck :)


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