Recent content by mort2376

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  1. mort2376

    What's the weather there?

    Rained all day here in London, but sunny in the North. Hope its not raining on the drive back tomorrow :)
  2. mort2376

    Help with specs!

    As people have said there are too many variables to be able to give a full definitive answer. With the distance involved and the "potential" power usage I would have said a larger cable is far more appropriate. I spec 6mm as a minimum for a garage a few metres away from a property. It sounds...
  3. mort2376

    Major supply Upgrade

    The other option is to restrict the touring connections. I know of some places that limit to 6a or 10a per socket. This may make your total usage calculations lower. You may be able to apply some diversity factors to the touring connections but as your thinking long term and supplies for hot...
  4. mort2376


    Thanks Captain. I will pass that info on. It's a basement flat privately owned so no building management. I think this may have been the original building supply before it was converted as it currently has a 40a dual meter that no electricity company can find a record of existing lol. Probably...
  5. mort2376


    Thanks for the advice all duly noted 👍🙏
  6. mort2376


    So worth reporting to have replaced or not? It seems ok. Very sticky but not weeping or anything.
  7. mort2376


    Working away in the foreign land they call London. Incoming dno cable into a basement flat is cloth covered as shown in photo below. Should this be upgraded ? Not the neatest dno install i know. Thoughts please good people. Yes i know there is something missing from the cut out. That's...
  8. mort2376

    Manufacturers Tech Support

    Obviously @Armeg UK as in life there are exceptions to every rule ! 🤣👍
  9. mort2376

    Unknown device on the back of a garage.

    Be very careful when disconnecting it as I would assume that its 3 core flex going into it and what should be the earth cable will more than likely be the switched live !
  10. mort2376

    Happy Holidays!

    Hope everyone had a peaceful day. Did anyone get called out ? If you did I hope you still managed to enjoy a hot Christmas dinner and some time with family / friends.
  11. mort2376

    New Member

    Welcome to our friendly corner of the net.
  12. mort2376

    For when you need ur phone fully charged quickly !!

    Well it did for 0.001 seconds 🤣🤣🤣
  13. mort2376

    For when you need ur phone fully charged quickly !!

    Please note this forum is for entertainment purposes only and no responsibility will be taken for users of this forum suffering severe cases of death or injury by following any recommendations or instructions provided. Your use of the forum means you agree to the above statement. 👍
  14. mort2376

    For when you need ur phone fully charged quickly !!

    Please don't try this at home !
  15. mort2376

    What is that fuse? Can someone identify

    While we understand what may have caused this, it's all speculation. People far more qualified will be needed to give a definitive answer. All I hope is that if anyone was in the property when this happened that they all got out safely. Whilst not a good situation, bricks and mortar can be...