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  1. N

    More machinery...

    Rev, Files did not upload, have edited post!
  2. N

    More machinery...

    "2712" is an estop control system contact operating at 400V a.c. the interior of the box as found. "2714" is an idea of a safe joint again on a 400V a.c. control system. "2715" is someones idea of the safe method of entering cables into an enclosure again 400V a.c. control, in an environment...
  3. N

    Consumer unit

    Sorry TTBang, bad day explode It is the customers! ; \
  4. N

    Completely daft situation

    OMS is a consultant electrical/building services engineer who posts on the IEE wiring regs forum. Like most of us he has his own ideas, and is prepared to defend his corner with quotes from the regs along with his academic qualifications and, previous practical experience to back up his...
  5. N

    Risk Assessment Policy

    Go to and look at the sample RA's there. For an H&S policy and H&S policy statement, which are all different beasts, HSE have a sample polcy including statement you can download and fill in the boxes, if it meets what they want then ELECSA can't really refuse! I have passed...
  6. N

    Pull Mainfuse

    Pick the phone up and ring the direct line or mobile of the local DNO engineer or jointer for me! O)O) O) :D :D:D
  7. N

    Consumer unit

    OK, OK, The "customers" daughter works for me! I was not given the whole picture and was too busy to think about trying to find any faults etc. even for an employees relative. It was just not possible. Also, I did not really want to get involved. The house was wired etc. before the daugher...
  8. N

    Consumer unit

    It is a complete CCU. Customer complained about the whole installation going off internittently. I queries if it was everything. They said yes. I said, main switch or DNO problem. I said ask your neighbours it their going off too. No more until I heard that the CCU ha caught fire! New...
  9. N

    Consumer unit

    This was working fine...
  10. N


    Don't know why that happens Don't know why that happens... Paul
  11. N

    Earth leakage current

    [quote name='Andy
  12. N


    m4tty, I doubt it sorry, they were taken on my phone & my brats had been playing with it and changed the camera settings so the resolution is very low! Their only 120x160 pixels, native full resolution file size is only 6kb. Sorry. Kids duitably admonished, headbang phone now always...
  13. N


    I posted a msg. earlier, but it seems to have disappeared into the ether! A few more pics.... These were found connecting the control push buttons to the main control panel on a recently refurbished wood working machine. Nicely painted though! I found them after being called out to a no...
  14. N

    Another few machinery pictures

    Not a Demag panel, sorry! Wood machine extractor control IIRC.
  15. N

    Another few machinery pictures

    Andy, I dunno! But it is cheap to get done! I realise there is a commercial aspect to all things, however, first it must comply with the regs! I have a customer (large) who has many locations. We work directly for their H&S dept and do machine works etc. The local sites complain about...
  16. N

    Another few machinery pictures

    The was still in use when we got there to strip it out! The earthing was OK and working, and, still there as far as I know customer won't spend to change it. The isolator being a 10A rated device on a machine much less than that, had been electrical safety checked according to the sticker no...
  17. N

    Portable Appliance Testing

    With new equipment the 1st test from new also gives you a base line to refer to.
  18. N

    Max Zs - 16 amp Type D mcb

    Just realised at #4 the OP references outlets, this inferrs a ring or radial circuit with s.o. I guess 13A type. If the compressor is on its own dedicated circuit which unless domestic it really should be, minmise inconvenience in the event of a fault, and a host of others... IF it is pugged...
  19. N

    Max Zs - 16 amp Type D mcb

    Unless Zs is out, fit a D type and be done with it! No comebacks, circuit complies, minimal risk of nuisance tripping. I have seen many motor circuits trip C types, depending on the mechanics of the load, etc. and compressors can be a pain, especially if they try to start on full load, which...
  20. N

    Push Fits

    [quote name='Andy