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  1. M

    Reporting the cowboys

    Think I'm going to be getting a list of names together and contacting my scheme provider. I'm fed up with these idiots costing me work.
  2. M

    Reporting the cowboys

    It really bugs me to try and commpete with these people. What makes it worse is the feedback system on the site as a lot of them have good feedback but how are the customers to know? If they've just had their consumer unit upgraded for
  3. M

    Reporting the cowboys

    Hi everyone, I know a lot of you on here don't like the tradesmen websites and in general I would agree with you, however I get a reasonable trickle of decent work from the tradesmen site that I am on (about 20 jobs in the past 12 months including a few full re-wires) and have made a couple of...
  4. M

    dno main fuse

    I always put lim on all my certs, as in limitation and explain why to the customer. I worked for a specialist testing company for a few years and in their periodics it was all they would do. Their theory was that no matter what the label was, anyone could have opened the fuse carrier and...
  5. M

    Not a clue

    Hi leccyman, I've been in the job 11 years but only been self employed 14 months. What a difference! All of sudden you've got to test! It totally changes your way of thinking and is a totally different ball game. Its made me realise that you never stop learning, I'm now explaining things to my...
  6. M


    Can I ask how or where you know that from Badger? In the past I've been led to believe by a very experienced periodic specialist old spark that as long as the 6mm is yellow and green (as opposed to just green) you don't have to upgrade the main bonding and this was what we always used to work...
  7. M

    fan and shower isolation terms of practicallity, with batty on the safety issue, I think we'd all isolate the circuit anway wouldn't we?
  8. M

    fan and shower isolation

    Never seen it, but good idea
  9. M

    fan and shower isolation

    Thanks, Nozspark, you learn something new everyday. I don't think doing the job correctly will necessarily guarantee a happy customer though! I would agree that the customer should be made very aware that a bit of extra mess is going to mean a lot better standard of job and probably not going to...
  10. M

    fan and shower isolation

    I certainly wouldn't put them in the garage, I agree that it wouldn't be local isolation. Isn't usual practice for fan isolators to be mounted above the bathroom/wetroom door with the transformer? Isn't this possible? Shower could go on a double pole switch, also just outside the door (though I...
  11. M


    Is it the old plumber / bathroom fitter / tiler / Kosovan handyman shower upgrade without the bother of re-wiring? bit of 2.5 in the bs3036? Been to about 10 of those this year and not one has had an RCD fitted either.
  12. M

    What would you do??

    If it is Thermalite, try 2 inch, size 8 screws straight into the block with a battery drill/driver. Don't bother with plugs, may not sound great but you get an excellent fixing.
  13. M


    Hi everyone, new to the site and first post so here goes, I used Marbo on 2 jobs last year, on the first job the lights in 2 rooms were flickering on and off due to poorly manufactured rockers in the switches, and on the 2nd job one of the switches had smoke bellowing out within 3 seconds of...