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Distinguished Member
Aug 7, 2009
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was down to add a cu on, but she changed her mind and went for a cu change.

she had a shower and smelt burning.

I took the fuse out and it fell to bits



Is it the old plumber / bathroom fitter / tiler / Kosovan handyman shower upgrade without the bother of re-wiring? bit of 2.5 in the bs3036? Been to about 10 of those this year and not one has had an RCD fitted either.

Gosh.Should be in black museum!

I agree Apache and have moved it. That does look nasty Tom1, could have been quite serious consequences if it had not been identified in time.

Doc H.

more pics.

the fuse was still intact by the wire.

it was a 8.5kw shower, the shower cover screw is broke so it can be pulled open a bit, other than that it tested ok and connections are tight in the shower, what do you think could have caused this?






8.5 kw shower is at lest 35 amps its just been overloaded.
thats what i thought, fuse wire still in tack, do you think it has been replaced with some other cable?

thats what i thought, fuse wire still in tack, do you think it has been replaced with some other cable?
possibly, but even if it hasnt been changed for a nail etc, it would never blow with 35A

a 3036 will never blow with a load below 55A...

Possibly loose connection onto fuse way caused the burn out, have found several of these over the years.

changed the cu now, put it on a 40A

couple of things flagged up, 0.69 M ohm on 1 of the light circuits,

and what looks to be 1mm cpc on the ring.

6mm bonding would be a ball ache to change,

am i right in thinking i dont have to fix/ upgrade all these?

changed the cu now, put it on a 40Acouple of things flagged up, 0.69 M ohm on 1 of the light circuits,

and what looks to be 1mm cpc on the ring.

6mm bonding would be a ball ache to change,

am i right in thinking i dont have to fix/ upgrade all these?
6mm bonding will need changing to 10mm 1mm cpc akthough not ideal would mean complete circuit rewire

6mm bonding will need changing to 10mm
Can I ask how or where you know that from Badger? In the past I've been led to believe by a very experienced periodic specialist old spark that as long as the 6mm is yellow and green (as opposed to just green) you don't have to upgrade the main bonding and this was what we always used to work to. I'd love to prove him wrong on something!

Possibly loose connection onto fuse way caused the burn out, have found several of these over the years.

The screw terminal where the 6.0mm connects onto one side of the fuse block! Lose..

you can see how heat has started working back up the cable from the joint!


changed the cu now, put it on a 40Acouple of things flagged up, 0.69 M ohm on 1 of the light circuits,

and what looks to be 1mm cpc on the ring.

6mm bonding would be a ball ache to change,

am i right in thinking i dont have to fix/ upgrade all these?
I'm sure there was a post on here regarding bonding just the other day . I'm sure that someone will confirm it but It could depend on the earthing arrangement itself . I would change the bonding myself as the board has been changed , as for the I R on the lighting circuit it is a fail under the current regs and needs investigating . How old does the cable look on the ring ? :|

See the ESC best practice guide to Consumer Unit changes.

As this was a "Distress" change then the Bonding issue is not quite the same as in planned work, as I see it.

All the Regs ask is "Are the bonding and earthing ADEQUATE?"

6mm Bonding may not be to CURRENT standard but may be adequate.

The low insulation reading on the lighting circuit requires further investigation.
