Not a clue

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Apr 14, 2010
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I am new to this site and the industry. I have just passed all my exams making me full scope domestic installer. Whilst reading some of the posts I am even more convinced i know nothing. Will I ever get it. there seems so much to learn and understand. passing the exams means nothing as far as I a:Cm concerned

good to see you know your limits

really, you wont learn much until you do the work.

look though past threads, or ask questions on the parts your not sure about

If there are areas you are unclear about, then here is the best place to ask. We have often said there is no such thing as a daft question. Everyone had to learn or be told stuff at some stage. The answerers will gradually gel into a broad base of knowledge and experience. As Andy says, there is no quick and easy route, but you will get there.

Doc H.

Well you've come to the right place! There are a lot of knowledgeable folks on here who will be able to answer any questions you throw at them. There are also a lot of learners (like myself), and there are plenty of relevant questions already answered.

If you don't mind me asking, what sort of course have you been on? 5 day, 3 week etc?

Welcome. :)

leccyman, if your unsure ask, there are loads of good guys on here that are great at talking you through jobs and regs, its very overwelming when you first start, i've been at it a year now and still ask silly ouestions and scratch my head, the most important thing is that you get it right, so ask and ask again if you have to

Hi leccyman, I've been in the job 11 years but only been self employed 14 months. What a difference! All of sudden you've got to test! It totally changes your way of thinking and is a totally different ball game. Its made me realise that you never stop learning, I'm now explaining things to my uncle (an excellent, 42 years served commercial spark) that hes never come accross. Things as simple as 17th edition DB's and Zs testing, in turn he's recently given me a few tips about fire alarms. This job can be so varied but thats what is so great about it, as long as know your limits and aren't afraid to ask you'll definetly be fine.

Hi Leccyman , your honesty is noted and appreciated, it shows up the inadequacy of the fast track system TBH . Its hands on experience you need, as you now realise, stick with the Forum and I'm sure the guys will try to help.

You might want to have a look at some of the historic threads on the Forum, many questions have been asked and answered before. You will also note that some of the Forumites are quite mad and are on medication but will ,occasionally give excellent and sensible answers. I name no names, they know who they are..... I , of course am not on medication and have recently learned to tie my own shoe laces and button my coat without missing a button hole. ;)


Hi Leccyman , your honesty is noted and appreciated, it shows up the inadequacy of the fast track system TBH . Its hands on experience you need, as you now realise, stick with the Forum and I'm sure the guys will try to help. You might want to have a look at some of the historic threads on the Forum, many questions have been asked and answered before. You will also note that some of the Forumites are quite mad and are on medication but will ,occasionally give excellent and sensible answers. I name no names, they know who they are..... I , of course am not on medication and have recently learned to tie my own shoe laces and button my coat without missing a button hole. ;)

ha i learned that months ago, no velcro for me:D

Come on guys, you can't be serious!

I'm still on slip on shoes and I'm not allowed buttons!

Too hard, could cause damage... :p


Come on guys, you can't be serious!I'm still on slip on shoes and I'm not allowed buttons!

Too hard, could cause damage... :p

and the risk of choking, lost too many good friends too sucking on lose buttons:(

Come off it Tom1, you 'll be saying next that you don't have to have your gloves on string, up one arm and down the other. Anyway I'm on joined up writing next week and then we're having ink .

Come off it Tom1, you 'll be saying next that you don't have to have your gloves on string, up one arm and down the other. Anyway I'm on joined up writing next week and then we're having ink .
sorry guys its was all a big lie, i was just trying to sound like a big man, shoe laces, buttons i wish its 50/50 if i get my shoes on the right feet:_|

ink, wicked cool

Is there one for each foot then ? :eek: :C
so i am led to belive, but i dont trust them mony making fat cats at clarks

Tom , I now have a vision of you having L on left boot and R on right ROTFWLROTFWLROTFWL
thats just how i roll;)

:| :eek: :O:O:O:|

I am going to go and have words with Admin......

Cuz I think you lot are all lying...

Trying to make the rest of us look Stoooopid!!!!!!X(X( X( :( :( :(

My mom still puts me into an all-in-one romper suit each morning....

I didn't think anyone was allowed shoes.... (Slip-on, Velcro or lace-ups)

until they are entitled to a free bus pass??????????????????

X( ?:|

So you MUST be telling porkies....... Its NOT good for the forum reputation you know guys!!!!X(X( X(

headbang :C

But I did hear that KME, Andy

:| :eek: :O:O:O:|Apache IS allowed Wellington boots on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays if he is supervised!!!!! ;) :Blushing
I wonder if those days are to coincide with when the sheep are locked up :Blushing :Blushing:Blushing

I am new to this site and the industry. I have just passed all my exams making me full scope domestic installer. Whilst reading some of the posts I am even more convinced i know nothing. Will I ever get it. there seems so much to learn and understand. passing the exams means nothing as far as I a:Cm concerned
:Blushing :Blushing:Blushing:Blushing:Blushing

Hello Leccyman!

That was the BIG welcome...

don't spend it all in the same shop! ;)


don't be frightened by the after dark nutters!!!! ]:) ] :) ]:) ] :)

that lubrication causes funny keys to press themselves!!


give it a month or two... keep looking around and........

I think you will find Admins wallet and full bank details knocking around that you can exploit!!!!!! ]:) ] :) ]:) ] :)

we are all normal sort of guys and gals! ;) Guinness :Y :put the kettle on

I wonder if those days are to coincide with when the sheep are locked up :Blushing :Blushing:Blushing
Korrecticus Mr Android!!! :Applaud :Applaud:Applaud:Applaud

nail I think hit the you've head the on.

Is that me beer?

of have me fingers gone into anagram sentences????? :Blushing :p

