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  1. MajorOak

    New distribution connection direct to cabin whilst house is demolished scenario

    The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations deal with PME Protective multiple earthing This regulation applies to distributors' low voltage networks in which the neutral and protective functions are combined. In addition to the neutral with earth connection required under...
  2. MajorOak

    After 2330 level 3

  3. MajorOak

    Working out PFC

    PFC is your nominal voltage divided by Ze. Simple ohms law I = V/R
  4. MajorOak

    New distribution connection direct to cabin whilst house is demolished scenario

    I would stick a new 4ft earth electrode into the ground close to where the the new meter box is going to go, put an MET in the meter box with a 16mm2 earth conductor from the MET to the new earth electrode. Then a 16mm earth conductor from the MET to the new consumer unit in the cabin. Wire...
  5. MajorOak

    Napit assessment today

    Excellent dude, well done!!
  6. MajorOak

    CAD software required.

    Hi Manator The package canoeboy sent looks pretty feature rich especially being able to edit autocad .dwg files. I have had a read around and a simpler one is Dia It all depends on how complex you want to get. Cheers
  7. MajorOak

    CAD software required.
  8. MajorOak

    Revamped Photography Website

    Hi all My wife is a photographer and I have just finished revamping her website and thought I would post a link for some opinions. She mainly shoots Comedy, Stage and some Street photography. This is her main site , her portfolio so to speak. Claire Haigh And this is her blog Blog She just...
  9. MajorOak

    usb to scart lead

    A lot of laptops up to around a year ago had an SVideo connection, finding an LCD or plasma with an SVideo maybe a bit more tricky!!
  10. MajorOak

    Nowt so strange as Folk!? AKA {Old gits computer reunion memories!}

    I remember the commodore +4 it was a fantastic time at the computer history in the UK, I spent my early teens learning 6502 and 68000 assembly language, it was the start of the computer industry!! I remember getting an email address for the first time on the janet network!! It is unreal these...
  11. MajorOak

    IR Imaging

    Course I don't mind use the images as you feel feel fit!! If any of you guys would like any other images taking in infrared, dogs, cats rabbits, naked ladies send me a note. Although I must say that I require
  12. MajorOak

    IR Imaging

    HEHEHE!! It belongs to one of our sales guys!! We only do doggin!!
  13. MajorOak

    Nowt so strange as Folk!? AKA {Old gits computer reunion memories!}

    Hehe same here rev, that's why I got the A500 and stuck in the memory. I also bought a canon bubblejet printer BJ-10v for my assignments. It was so slow, but I thought it was the mutts nutts!!
  14. MajorOak

    IR Imaging

    The camera is called a VisIR640, we developed it here in Cambridge. At it's core is an un-cooled micro-bolometer. This comes out of our latest development for predictive maintenance! We also develop software for keeping track of all your thermal images over surveys and sites. The software...
  15. MajorOak

    Nowt so strange as Folk!? AKA {Old gits computer reunion memories!}

    Heheh I feel like I am back at school again with the Commodore Vs Sinclair argument!! But everybody knows Commodore was bestist!! My computer history from 1981 - ZX 81 Vic 20 ZX Spectrum Commodore 64 Atari ST Amiga 500 Amiga 1000 Amiga 4000 Everything goes ****e here Commodore go...
  16. MajorOak

    IR Imaging

    Hi All I thought I would stick up a few images of our thermal camera, the project was finished last year and I have meaning to share a few images from the camera. My role was developing firmware for the FPGA within the camera hardware. Substation Pylon Substation Moggie Beer...
  17. MajorOak

    Nowt so strange as Folk!? AKA {Old gits computer reunion memories!}

    4 years is a bit long, I used to stay in my bedroom for days on end (admittedly only a weekend) on with my Commodore 64, great days, coding for fun rather than being told what to code! The day after I saw WarGames I went out and bought a modem! Two weeks after that my dad took it off me as I...
  18. MajorOak

    Napit assessment today

    Good luck! They are there to help their members, not try and trip them up!
  19. MajorOak

    Customer won't get work done to sign off consumer unit

    Naa cause it's not a propper TT, I was having a laugh, no it was not bonded and it had no RCDs protecting any of the circuits. We ran a new a new CPC from the CU to the airing cupboard and picked up the existing one, bonded up the gas and water and cross bonded the rads and pipe work in the...
  20. MajorOak

    Customer won't get work done to sign off consumer unit

    Yeah you're flectch, didn't see that, otherwise you wouldn't get an EFLI a reading. If there is earthing to any of the lighting and it reads high you need to find the fault. I have once seen in an old property were the EFLI on the lighting circuit was high, around 20-30 ohms, while the other...