Nowt so strange as Folk!? AKA {Old gits computer reunion memories!}

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Trailer Boy - Electrician.
Supporting Member
Mar 28, 2008
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is this story about this 19year old hacker kid....

The papers say "He stayed in his room for 4 years"

His mom had to put food outside the door....

and thought he was playing video games????????????????????????

Have some people had their brains removed??????????

If one of my kids had stayed in their room for 1 DAY!!

there would have been a major inquiry as to what they are doing!!!?

:eek: :Oheadbangheadbang:( :C

If the "parents" (I use the term VERY loosely), think this is ok..........

The chances of the kid having a "normal" disposition were a bit grim to start with.....

Doesn`t this bring us back to the turds floating in the gene pool?

4 years is a bit long, I used to stay in my bedroom for days on end (admittedly only a weekend) on with my Commodore 64, great days, coding for fun rather than being told what to code!

The day after I saw WarGames I went out and bought a modem! Two weeks after that my dad took it off me as I was costing him a fortune one the phone bill!!

I really thought I could take over the world on a 9600 connection!!

I bought an old C64 to show my 10 year old daughter what it used to be like in the old days, she laughed at me!!

aahhhhh yes war games great film. Alas I only had a ZX 81 and no chance of getting into the Pentagon with that....

Great games though. You were a block and you could shoot blocks at other blocks...... used to stay up really late (like 11.30) playing it! Used to theink I was clever hitting 'Break' and hacking the code (BASIC not BASEC ;) ) to give myself unlimited lives etc etc.....

4 years is a bit long, I used to stay in my bedroom for days on end (admittedly only a weekend) on with my Commodore 64, great days, coding for fun rather than being told what to code!The day after I saw WarGames I went out and bought a modem! Two weeks after that my dad took it off me as I was costing him a fortune one the phone bill!!

I really thought I could take over the world on a 9600 connection!!

I bought an old C64 to show my 10 year old daughter what it used to be like in the old days, she laughed at me!!
Ah!!! :^O you were one of the posh rich kids then??? :Salute

When I were a lad I could only afford a Sinclair spectrum

(with 16k RAM....... and a rubbery keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


I had to get me mom & dad to rent a cheap refurbished TV from Visionhire so I could plug the damm thing in without stopping them watching the telly!!! :_|


in later years I did progress up to the 48k Spectrum..

with slightly more realistic keys.. (but not quite!)

Then the dogs danglers..

I got a Spectrum +2 128K..

with ALMOST real keyboard AND a built in Tape Cassette!!!:Neil

Well... there was no stopping me then!!! :slap

sit there tapping away playing games..

and writing little programs..

until I ran out of me space 128k seemed big at first compared to 16k!!

I did spend a few hours in me room....

BUT I did also have to eat..


have a cr4p!!!

and go to work...

by the age of 19 I was well into my Apprenticship...

certainly no chance of staying on the Kompewtar all day!!!

even if i did want to write the next great video game.....

You could buy magazines with long hand written programs you could type in and run....

Twas me dream to write something..

send it off and get it in a mag..

never did though!!!

But I did a little data storage program for me singles collection..

Record Artist Label Year.....

then got stuffed cuz not enough memory to include b-sides and record numbers!!!!!!


Oh the joys of youth!!!

:x :Blushing;):Neil

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ZX Spectrum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thats what REAL kompewting was all about!!!

none of this American Commodore tosh!!!

I have still got my old 128K spectrum..

in its box..

with a whole bunch of tape cassette games in me loft gathering dust! :D

Heheh I feel like I am back at school again with the Commodore Vs Sinclair argument!! But everybody knows Commodore was bestist!!

My computer history from 1981 -

ZX 81

Vic 20

ZX Spectrum

Commodore 64

Atari ST

Amiga 500

Amiga 1000

Amiga 4000

Everything goes ****e here Commodore go bust, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

SUN SparcStation running UNIX for a short time

Apple or PC?? Apple or PC?? All the computer rooms at Uni were PC infested so it seemed the way to go

Now it's all just variations of operating system on Intel / AMD based machines

PC Windows 3.11

PC Windows 95

Red Hat Linux

PC Windows NT 4

PC Windows 2000

PC Windows XP

Ubuntu Linux

and finally now running

Intel i7 - PC Windows 7 x64, dual booted with Linux Ubuntu x64 and Leopard 10.6

although I don't use Leopard.

I have started using virtual machines now, the i7 is fast enough.

If anybody fancies a look, Oracle do a free virtual machine called virtual box, although you still need the OS to use it, but Linux is free and will install into the VM over the internet so no messy disks to get in the way.

Ha ha brings back memories

I also had a commodore, but it was a plus 4. Anyone else heard of this one? It played Commodore 16 games but not the 64's.

I preferred my console though, the amazing Atari 2600. I still have this in gathering dust in my loft. Don't know why as I sold all the games years ago!

I had an amiga 500+ the one with workbench 2.0. I added an extra 1mb ram in the trapdoor slot and then when I went to do my degree I added a GVP 40mb hard drive. Everyone else was using PCs (286, 386 etc ) and took the mickey but it was a great machine for games too and at the time graphics and sound capability wiped the floor with the PC.

Still got some amiga games on the PC.....

happy days

Hehe same here rev, that's why I got the A500 and stuck in the memory. I also bought a canon bubblejet printer BJ-10v for my assignments. It was so slow, but I thought it was the mutts nutts!!

I remember the commodore +4 it was a fantastic time at the computer history in the UK, I spent my early teens learning 6502 and 68000 assembly language, it was the start of the computer industry!!

I remember getting an email address for the first time on the janet network!! It is unreal these days to think about it. It was 1992 and I was given an email address? What is an email address? Well other people around the UK can contact you via email! Like who? Email?? Garlic Bread?? Email what is email? I don't know anybody who has email? Well Email connects all the Universities in the UK? I don't know anybody who has email!!

You tell the kids that today and they will laugh at you!!

I had my 1st email address in about 94, again academic, with my 1st laptop about the same time too or there abouts.

Was programming cnc machines for the machine builder on field service!

Win 3.11

May have a look into virtual box, is this win, or linux or both, coz if it were linux it may sort a few of my probs out!

did a bit of machine code and hex programming as part of my ONC course. A page of routines like 3E8AFF just to change a character on a screen.... very boring. then they let us loose on BASIC on a BBC B computer - wow! we also used to play around with Commodore Pet machines.

My first computer was the Acorn Electron,, got it in 4th or 5th year high school (god knows what they call than now days;)) and I used it for my scholl work (computer studies),, oh,,, and games;)

My next one was an Amiga 600, haven't a clue why I bought that;)

and then I got onto PCs and my first interent experiences;) ;) ; )


I think me thread has been hijacked...

partially by ME!! :Blushing :slap

and some other old git kompewtur anoraks!!! :eek: :Neil

so I have re-named it...


maybe good to move it to the computers sub-forum? :C ] :)

OK bringing things back on track ie nerdy people and hacking etc......

A friend of mine in NZ was a bit of a magpie, he came round and asked me to have a look at something he had 'picked up' It had a sony screen (colour) an integral keyboard, a mains plug and a BT plug on it. He didnt know what it was and neither did I. I plugged it in, put the BT plug into my phone line and powered it up. It began dialling in and connecting to the Westpac Trust bank! I unpluigged it, gave it back and told him to take it back where he found it!

ROTFWL ......

I was a commodorephile, through & through. Couldn`t get on with mr Sinclair`s creations; and didn`t rate the amstrad stuff much, either.

Vic 20 -then a plus 16 for a while.

Tried the Tatung Einstein - C+........couldn`t get me head round that. School had BBCs, and a Research Machines THAT was fun.

Back to the C64.........

Missed the A500; and jumped straight to the 600; then a 1200; self converted into a tower with dual processors........ :) :) :)

Everybody was jumping on the PC bandwagon; and my "old" miggy was leaving `em in the dust on the graphics front. I`ve still got a towered A1200 in the loft; along with a few hundred disks, including emulation for C64 and PC - though the PC emu is a bit sssssslllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww - think they did that on purpose, to stop the pc owners buying miggies running emulation, `cos it was almost faster :slap

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So do you remember, or did you have... "Expert" cartridge. You could "freeze" a running game; crack it, compress it, and stick it on disk - automatically finding the m/c subroutines for accessing the loading sequence from tape, and re-addressing it to the disk drive?

2...Them with 5.25 floppies - commodore did a single sided drive; but you could cut a notch in the edge, and put `em in upside down, to double storage? They even sold a little gizmo for punching out the notch, in exactly the right spot.

3... P.E.T.s - the "original" flight simulator. It took 4 hours to load, had sod all graphics, and the only time anything "crashed", it was your fault.

4. The famous ZX spectrum "supercrash" - we used to go into the local Dixons, or WH smiths, whoever had a spectrum on display. Type in "poke61810,0", or something like that, and the machine fell over, and went to sit in a corner of a dark room, never to recover :slap - and we thought that was funny!
