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  1. T

    Commercial Electrical Testing

    £6.00 WOW how can you test it properly for that amount? take at least day or two to check everything in a ware house or factory 
  2. T

    How Are You Finding It

    Just a thought to see how busy everyone is in this present day??  is everyone finding more work now??? 
  3. T

    Blast From The Past

    if i was going to be picky... i do like a cable tie rather than tape 
  4. T

    Blast From The Past

    1st one looks better ha like how they turned the CU on its side lol 
  5. T

    Commercial Electrical Testing

    Been testing a lot of domestic and commercial premises over the years. I usually give a price upon a visual inspection ect to get the general feel of how long it will take and what it will involve.   Now... i have been asked to give a price based on a per circuit bases. They have informed me...
  6. T

    Commercial Electrical Testing

    Been testing a lot of domestic and commercial premises over the years. I usually give a price upon a visual inspection ect to get the general feel of how long it will take and what it will involve.   Now... i have been asked to give a price based on a per circuit bases. They have informed me...
  7. T

    Fire & Em Lighting

    What I don't understand is why can it not be black and white. Like gas testing it's always a grey area
  8. T

    Fire & Em Lighting

    Hello Having a argument with a H&S officer regarding the how many tests should be carried out per 12months  i think ..... fire - Full test every year and half test every 6 months  Emergency lighting - every 12 months full 3 hour test.  Thought pleasse guys  many thanks 
  9. T

    Ez Lock Advice

    That is correct
  10. T

    Hello Fellow Electricians!

  11. T


    Didn't he say he didn't do the install? I have done that in the past about 15 years ago tho wen I was a pup
  12. T


    True a time delayed rcd would be used on incoming tails after meter.
  13. T


    Swa doesn't require rcd protection
  14. T

    Bell Box That Glows

    Haha that's great
  15. T


    Bet it's Tt
  16. T

    Bell Box That Glows

    Shock sorry sir. I have seen a bloke fall on a 3 phase board he was working on and both arms were on the bus bars He wasn't back for a few weeks
  17. T

    Bell Box That Glows

    Hello ladies. Found the bell box and will get one of my sparks to fit it at my house tomorrow. Been a long day plugging in temporary lights for a 2 sites. I was joking about getting a sock with 414v
  18. T

    Useful Piece Of Kit .

    i want / need on of those rollers 
  19. T

    Bell Box That Glows

    i stopped learning 10 years ago when i got 415V down my body 
  20. T

    Bell Box That Glows

    lalalala nearly there  soo close  noo that counts as one lol