Blast From The Past

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
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Couple of years ago we had the job of sorting this lot out at a local Vets  . I posted the "Befores" but forgot to take any "Afters"  Until today when we went back to carry out an EICR .


It does have a avant garde , carefree look about it TBH .    They couldn't get the DNO to sort it out , didn't want to know , including a burnt out connection in the Yellow phase of the cut-out . said ask your contractor to do it , strangely .  We left the meters there but no ones bothered about them,  I see they are still there. 

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if i was going to be picky... i do like a cable tie rather than tape 
They are redundant circuits Mr Picky erm...Thewiz...  :innocent   I didn't get where I am today wasting tywraps on redundant wiring .

   Specially on  a Sunday when you've just about had enough of sparks doing work there over the years and not lableing anything up except the ones which were wrong anyway and left it for mugs like us to  check out and put right so the Practice can at least identify a circuit  then when you get home and take a shower and have your dinner and you're feeling a bit better with the world 'cos you're taking Monday off as you worked Sunday which didn't please the Missus too much and your Sparkie's  knees are playing up and you sit at the PC and think ,,Ah  I'll update that post I made two years ago as I remembered to take a pic this time but then someone comes on and criticises your choice of using tape to tie back some unused circuits but then you think we're charging the whole day at double our rate and we've got some extra remedial work to go back to as well  and the meter cupboard has a cover so none of that is on show and its time for a cuppa and this may be the longest sentence ever on the Forum even longer than a Kerching in full Victor Meldrew form .  
