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  1. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    Yeah I emailed him telling him I'd be in touch if the stat started overheating again. So far so good though, it's behaving perfectly
  2. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    I thought it was strange when our stat kept overheating every evening but what happened next is even stranger - after sorting an electrician the stat stopped overheating and has been working perfectly ever since! I cancelled the electrician fully expecting I'd have to rebook him when it...
  3. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    What an excellent idea and I just happen to have a room thermometer which I've located and put next to the stat. My partner has also agreed to calling an electrician so I'm about to go look for the best one I can find. I will let you all know the outcome of both the thermometer and the...
  4. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    No other type of heating. I think you may be right about calling an electrician but I would have liked some answers to my questions so this one doesn't fob me off plus my partner is still going with what the first one said about it not being a problem as its not calling for gas so it's not...
  5. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    I don't know if this will help or not but I just went up and took a photo of the boiler and lo and behold the boiler came on while I was checking it so I snapped a couple more as it came on. The 50 and 60 lights you see only stayed on for a few seconds after it came on
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    Thermostat Overheating

    I did respond but I'm not sure if it posted. Both engineers were from a firm in Peterborough called Jones Heating who also fitted our boiler 4 years ago.
  7. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    I just went up to see if I could see the if the burner was lit (although my partner said you can't see it, I intended to take the front panel off) but the boiler has now stopped!! Sod's law, I'll have to check next time it's running. By demand temperature I assume you mean the temp it's set at...
  8. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    Well it's running now and the stat is on 23.5 so it should have sent a signal to it to stop surely?
  9. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    That's what I just discovered from the manual and it has not indicated low battery so obviously that's not the problem. It's not gone above 22 today but that's what's so strange - it doesn't overheat every day. One of my posts failed to appear (I found I'd been signed out after I posted!) so...
  10. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    Good point, not that I'm aware of! My partners gone out but I'll ask him when he comes back. Thanks for the link but the page is unavailable- it said it may be temporarily down or could have moved to a different website so I'll google it in a minute to find out which battery I need. Hopefully...
  11. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    He definitely said its a wired stat. I still haven't seen the flag/flame and I can't figure why as its been below the set temperature?
  12. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    I'm even more confused than ever now - the stat is set to 21, isn't that programmed? Btw it's now gone to 21.
  13. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    It's an Ariston combi. Sorry if I gave the wrong information about the stat but I've been getting the answers from my partner as I really haven't got a clue about these things. By pressing the down button yesterday has it reset it? It's still on 20 which is unusual altho the room is comfortable...
  14. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    As requested a pic of our stat I'm not sure why but it attached sideways! As you can see it's only on 20 today which to be honest is a blessed relief as the house had become stifling.
  15. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    Sorry for the delay but I've been waiting for the boiler to be going before I did as you said. I pressed the down arrow until it said 19 then went and checked the boiler. I waited several minutes but it hasn't stopped.
  16. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    Not sure what happened as I posted my reply and its disappeared! Here it is again: The stat hasn't got anything written on it so I can't give you the model number but I presume it's the same make as the boiler which is Ariston. The stat is on 24.5 and the boiler is still going. Surely it should...
  17. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    There is nothing written on the stat so I can't give you the model number but I presume it is the same make as the boiler which is Ariston. The stat is now up to 24 and the boiler is going still. It is set for 21 so surely the boiler should have stopped?
  18. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    I have to admit here that I have never adjusted or set the thermostat as my partner has always done it so I have no idea how to reset it but I will ask him to do it (he won't be happy as he is adamant there is nothing wrong with it!). It is currently on 22.5 but there is no flag showing. Can I...
  19. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    The thermostat is now on 22.5 but the boiler is not going. The little flag you mention is not showing. I assume that's what the first engineer meant when he said it wasn't calling for gas? But it wasn't overheating when he was here so how would he have been able to say it doesn't cost us because...
  20. A

    Thermostat Overheating

    Re-program no problem but how do I do the factory reset? It's currently on 22 but I've a feeling its gonna creep up again so if it's possible to explain the reset I'll give it a try, thanks.