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  1. Bez

    Interchangeable MCB'S RCD'S Etc ( What Fits? )

    Hello all, been away a while keeping busy. Just thought I'de throw another in the mix, has anyone come accross a Moeller CU and is there anything in my shed that I can shoe horn into it? MK, Wylex, etc.
  2. Bez

    What would you do??

    2 1/2 inch Decking Screws, gets a great hold
  3. Bez

    Please ignore this post

    My God is this post still running, I've been missing for a few weeks!
  4. Bez

    Kitchen hob

    You can do it in 2.5mm as long as you ensure the current carrying capacity of the cable is reflected in your choice of protective device. i.e. A 20A MCB.
  5. Bez

    Odd psc

  6. Bez

    Odd psc

    Even Money, dodgy meter 2/1 User error 33/1 Supply fault
  7. Bez

    Kitchen hob

    Agree with Ian, hob usually pulls a lot more than most ovens.
  8. Bez

    Please ignore this post

    Have I missed something? :z
  9. Bez

    Put my foot in it

    Yup, you guessed it, fairying about in a customers bungalow attic trying to drag some 10mm about for a shower, stepped back and half of me entered the lounge, my pants, well the missus said she could sort them out with some vanish and a hot wash! Got a shade more making good to do than I thought!
  10. Bez

    wylex recall

    Tried to order a Wylex board this morning from Electricfix. Nice lady said " there seems to be a problem and we can't do the one you want at this present time", no reason given, but now it becomes clear.
  11. Bez

    induction range

    MK & Crabtree do a 45A one Probably get away with a 40A breaker aswell
  12. Bez


    Hi Jim, welcome aboard
  13. Bez

    44 Percent

    I'm in favour of them keeping it tough, even though I haven't sat it yet. When, or if I pass, I want it to be a qualification that I have earned.
  14. Bez


    Off to bed now, good luck at the college :good night:
  15. Bez


    That's 2382
  16. Bez


    wouldn't bother with 2377 yet, thats Portable Appliance Testing, and 2391 you will need a fair amount of knowledge/experience under your belt first. They will advise you better than me but I think 2330 is your starting point, worry about the others later.
  17. Bez


    Well spotted, sharp eyes:Applaud
  18. Bez


    No one can describe a dyslexic as thick, my wife has a friend who is dyslexic and is now based in the US working as an earthquake specialist, she has more letters after her name than there are in the alphabet, so if you want it bad enough, you'll get there.
  19. Bez


    I'm positive Doc never meant any offence, but perhaps if you'de explained your dyslexia from the beginning, this could have been avoided. There are members who won't even read a badly written post so by explaining you broaden your replies. If you stick around you will find the members on here...