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  1. B

    Child Support Agency Dont you just love them !!!!

    I had a problem with a bunch like this (chasing for money I don't owe) They called and tried their stuff, after they finished I told them that all calls to me mobile were recorded and by calling me again they are consenting to me recording the call and distributing the call as and how I see fit...
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    Changes to Landlord regulation in Scotland

    Consultation on the Introduction of a Tenant Information Pack in the Private Rented Sector ---------- Post Auto-Merged at 14:32 ---------- Previous post was made at 14:31 ---------- It's really good news, but I suspect they will bottle out of making things safe after landlord bodies get their...
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    Changes to Landlord regulation in Scotland

    Noticed this on the Scottish Goverment website. Just thought I would post this for the total readership and to show the stark differnces between the Scottish Government and the RUK governments Consultation on the Introduction of a Tenant Information Pack in the Private Rented Sector The link...
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    Looking For An Apprinticeship Glasgow and surrounding Areas Willing to Travel

    Look at the SECCT site- you will need to try and get onto the adult scheme, you will have to do 1 year pre apprenticeship training before starting the apprenticeship
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    Am I too old for an Apprenticeship ... 21 yr Old Glasgow

    You can go on the normal appretnicship in Scotland until you are 22 Once you are over 22 (when you start) the adult scheme kicks in The rate of pay is
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    Avoid these consumer units like the plague!!

    I use Hager I find them easy to install Did a swap yesterday and it took 45 mins (5 circuits) for swap and dead tests- a bit longer after that for the ruinning around and paperwork Hager have a bit behind the busbar connection to prevent the busbar slipping behind the cage
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    holding certs until payment

    Issue a cert- then you cover yourself If I get a situation like this (I use easycert) and issue a cert that isn't signed (name just printed). The cert is watermarked 'copy- not valid' and the signature box is blacked out with black marker Then you issue a correct cert when payments are recieved
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    Tysoft update

    #It's a bit crap, in my opinion. It's not as it the amendment was a big surprise. Their mantle is slipping
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    Tysoft update

    I have had Tysoft Easycert for a few years now (and I like it) I emailed them before the summer holidays (June) and was told the update to the BS7671 certs would be out around this time Does anyone have any info?
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    Might be going to court!

    Good luck Small claims is for less than
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    Edmundson Electrical Ltd

    I use eddies off and on My local Irvine branch is quite good, but occasionally gets beaten on quotes. They are getting better now. They are really good for Thorn lighting I have always found their staff to be among the best and genuinely give a hoot Don't use them as much as I did as I ahev...
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    Thinking of taking on an apprentice.....

    If you take them on as an 'apprentice' with all the stuff that goes along with that (working agreement etc) you lose control and have to jump through hoops to get rid of somoene If you take them on as a standard employee you can get rid of them easier if they turn out to be useless (upto a...
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    Thinking of taking on an apprentice.....

    I think you may be jumping in too fast. I have an apprentice now who is good, he did 18 months as a 'trainee' before getting his apprenticeship? They are usually good for 4-6 weeks and then drop off the perch. Tell him you want him to prove himself and you will start him as an apprentice...
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    Electrician apprenticeship funding

    I haven't heard of full funding before- don't they just pay the college fees. Are they paying your wages to the employer? I thought things were better in Scotland- the Scottish Government will pay
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    Ending a phone contract early

    Set a divert 'when not available' on your mobile to divert to your O2 number This will give you evidence of poor coverage Have a look at ofcom sitfinder to see the actual masts in your area. I find this useful with Orange as they are incompotent and tell you what you want to hear. My mobile...
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    Certificate Software

    I use Tysoft, but am diasppointed at their lack of update for amendment 1 It won't be updated for a few weeks It's not as if anyone sprung the update on them- it's hardly been a secret. They should be more on the ball Electrical certification in Ayrshire abc Electrical. The baldelectrician
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    certificate software

    I have Easycert, which is good I emailed them last week to ask when they would have a amendment 1 update available. Bearing in mind this wasn't sprung on them by surprise they won't have any updates ready for July 1st
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    Looking for apprenticeship,Glasgow. Have

    I have an apprentice (who is really good) He will be at college from 18th August for 4-5 weeks. If I am busy enough and you fancy some (poorly paid :D ) work experience mail me at [email protected] Sorry I am not looking for an apprentice as I have one, but good luck. If I can help...
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    Possible change of government policy, re apprenticeships

    Believe it or not I was in the audience for Scottish Leaders Debate (ITV3 / STV) before the election for the Scottish Parliament I asked Alex Salmond "Would it be a good idea to make it a condition of any company recieving a Scottish Government contract that the contractor has in place an...