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  1. Pyro

    Fill up your van, car & any empty cans!

    A mate of mine had the same outlook on a lot of the company perks he had....... up until the time the company had to do a few cutbacks...... and he was one of the cutbacks! He's changed a bit since going self employed. Pyro.
  2. Pyro

    [No title]

    I have been with Abbey :x for over 20 years (personal account) and 9 years (business account). No major complaints about either. Like Mcgaw81 I have no intention of changing. Being part of Banco Santander, Abbey seem to be significantly more stable than many other banks. I keep my business...
  3. Pyro

    Old pre-wired black conduit

    I have never seen the stuff first-hand, but I recall reading about the type of wiring conduit that you describe back in 1971 in the edition of "Modern Wiring Practice" that was current at that time. The system described had a 4-bore oval conduit, black, ridged and targeted at use in pre-fab...
  4. Pyro

    Acronyms for the electrically challenged

    MIMS - Mineral Insulated Metal Sheath. See also MICC. See also Pyro. PYRO - Abbreviation for Pyrotenax, a generic term for the MIMS / MICC cable type.
  5. Pyro

    High voltage

    These guys featured in a Channel 4 "Most Dangerous Jobs" programme some months back: Major respect to this part of the electrical profession. Pyro.
  6. Pyro


    Sympathies, Tim. I can relate to your condition having had the experience of starting Jan 1st 1998 with chicken pox at the ripe old age of 36. I had a holiday booked on 10th Jan. Swissair (bless 'em) re-booked the flight for a week later at no penalty. My boss thought I was trying to blag more...
  7. Pyro

    Russ andrews

    Audiophool cable and connectors are all well and good for those that have more money than braincells, but it is a surefire guarantee that audiophools would blow a mental fuse if they could see the bog-standard wire, cable, industry-standard connectors and electronic components that go into...
  8. Pyro

    dont read this if you are even slightly depressed !!!!

    It's par for the course..... Until there is a serious financial incentive for "certain members of society" to go out and find work or create work, the situation will continue to decline. An incentive such as earning a wage brings in
  9. Pyro


    Unlikely, but the plastic bin would have improved the insulation..... ;)
  10. Pyro

    Daft question about telephone prefixes

    0161 is joining in with the scammers now - one at home last week at 03:45 and a fax at work this morning at 05:56. Pity the fax print cartridge was duff, as being registered with TPS and FPS I would have loved to give the scammer a piece of my mind.
  11. Pyro


    What other folk know about you can and will be used against you. What other folk don't know about you can't do you any harm. Walls have ears - think about your own privacy, don't talk about it.
  12. Pyro

    Thieving Gits

    Sorry to hear of your breakin. I can think of many ways to treat the scum who do this type of thing... none of them politically correct or legal. Fishing line stretched around with lots of hooks comes to mind as one way to trap a scroat. A mate of mine did this behind the dash of his car to get...
  13. Pyro

    Singles or T+E ??????????

    In the first pic, the cable type is "twingles". Photo 2 shows a classic example of open-plan wiring feeding the switch! It's one step down from the open spans of "national grid" style of LV lighting that is favoured in la-di-da offices and showrooms. Talking of this, much amusement was created...
  14. Pyro

    online storage back ups.

    I don't know if PC World still do it, but several years ago they charged a card handling fee for credit card purchases. Not too serious if buying something for
  15. Pyro

    Recruitment agency scum

    Sorry to hear that you have been laid-off. It's always a nasty experience to have to cope with. Having never had the experience of agencies, I'm in the dark here, but I have questions for the wise: Is there any way that members of this forum could band together and set up an agency? How do...
  16. Pyro


    "does anybody know what happened to stereo systems with graphic equalizers?" Good question....... here are my thoughts: Some hi-fi manufacturers shun tone control / EQ like the plague, resulting in there being less of it available. The serious hi-fi users do not want to have any form of tone...
  17. Pyro


    Jeez, Andyc, that's one hell of a link! Thanks for posting it. Jaw-dropping. Looking at some of the products and prices on that website brings up one word only - audiophool. It's absolutely amazing what some people will spend on hi-fi. The really crazy thing is that when the signal path in a...
  18. Pyro


    When it comes to speaker cable, its the CSA of the copper that counts. 6-core alarm cable has 6 x 0.22 sq mm, i.e, 1.32 sq mm total, or 0.66 sq mm for 3 cores (which is what you would do for a speaker feed - use 3 cores for each terminal of the speaker). For speaker feed cable, impedance is...
  19. Pyro

    amandas got talent

    So what's wrong with her age?
  20. Pyro

    Bedroom wiring

    What is the reliability of the mains supply? Is there any history of power cuts? You could consider emergency lighting for general house sefety, and maybe a UPS to power lights/intercom/emergency call equipment/door release or whatever for the recovering pateint.