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Senior Member
Mar 23, 2009
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hay all I played golf last Sunday on the Monday morning my stomach and my side were killing me I thought I had pulled a muscle. Left it a couple of days and started to get a rash..WTF so went to the doctors today straight away "you've got shingles" doc said.

I'm going to Turkey in 2 weeks she has told me I need to wear a t-shirt, X(

Has anybody had shingles before and how long did it last?

Cheers in semi-pain


hay all I played golf last Sunday on the Monday morning my stomach and my side were killing me I thought I had pulled a muscle. Left it a couple of days and started to get a rash..WTF so went to the doctors today straight away "you've got shingles" doc said. I'm going to Turkey in 2 weeks she has told me I need to wear a t-shirt, X(

Has anybody had shingles before and how long did it last?

Cheers in semi-pain

Similar virus as chicken pox I beleive;)

Long as you haven't got mumps:_| :_|

I'm going away on the 24th, rubbish.

I'm never ill sods law I get ill just before my holiday (friends wedding) so 2 weeks of my mates calling me scaby, rash boy, shingle king any other ideas welcome I'll let my mates know so I can get it out the way.

Sympathies, Tim.

I can relate to your condition having had the experience of starting Jan 1st 1998 with chicken pox at the ripe old age of 36. I had a holiday booked on 10th Jan. Swissair (bless 'em) re-booked the flight for a week later at no penalty. My boss thought I was trying to blag more time-off, so after the doc advised I was no longer contagious, I went in to work all rough and spotty carrying a bell and announcing my arrival by ringing the bell and calling "Unclean! Unclean!" as I walked through reception. After that there were no problems from the boss.


Hi mate i had shingles about years ago thought it was sunburn on back of ear but kept touching it and spread it all over my face. went doctors got cream and cleared up in about a week so hopefully youll be lucky like i was.

hope it clears 4 ya hols mate
