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  1. D

    SMETS 1 (no so!) SMART Meter

    Thanks for the input. Kind of figured that would be the case. :( Not sure that the incumbent will have any incentive to make the change as they are able to read all they need from the current meter. Added to which energy suppliers are only incentivised to install smart meters in place of old...
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    SMETS 1 (no so!) SMART Meter

    Has anyone had success or experience of getting a Smart meter changed out? I'm kind of stuck at the moment in that my meter's a SMETS 1 device and although my current provider is capable of taking half hourly readings, I can benefit from "power save" events when offered, I'm having difficulty...
  3. D

    Consumption correlates with PV Output

    The original meter was an Emlite ECA2.z (Unidirectional) and I had the (Bi-directional) fitted in it's place. Attached are files that cover the specification and wiring. Note that the .nz variant is wired opposite to the unidirectional .z version. Position in system is between the...
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    Consumption correlates with PV Output

    The way Growatt report in the app. "System Production" is what's fed to the property from battery and panels. They then take the "Exported to grid" value (in our case measured by a CT clamp) from this and report as "Self Consumption". The "Load Consumption" they report is simply "Self...
  5. D

    Consumption correlates with PV Output

    Interesting observation. Not something I'd really paid much attention to as I use the app simply to get a quick overview of what the system is up to. I actually base expectations and monitor performance on metered readings, (Utility and Export), rather than those reported in the app. I see you...
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    Growatt production

    What strikes me from the graph is that you appear to be generating from PV very early in the morning to quite late into the evening but at the same time load consumption follows the increase / decrease in PV input. Bit suspicious that. Can't believe you're adjusting your consumption to match the...
  7. D

    Odd event - Growatt SPH inverter

    Well Thursday came around again and .................................... nothing. :rolleyes: As Binky says, looks like It'll be a glitch, though I'd expect it to be much more random and this was suspiciously regular (till last night), or a software update. I'll lob a query to the helpdesk and...
  8. D

    Odd event - Growatt SPH inverter

    Hi John, Thanks for the replies. I'm aware of the "calibration" routine as you and others have covered this in several other posts. I can certainly see traces of this, particularly in the mornings, almost each and every day since commissioning, but they are of a relatively short duration. What...
  9. D

    Odd event - Growatt SPH inverter

    Just opening this in the event that any other SPH inverter users on here may have seen anything like this before. I've documented the system install in previous posts but since final sign-off in early Feb everything has run pretty much as expected. HOWEVER Evening of Thursday 16th May at 20:55...
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    New Growatt SPH + Li6532 Installation queries

    From observation I'm in agreement with you both. What triggered the debate was the behaviour at SOC 100% as noted in post 45 above. (Nice sunny day and plenty of PV) Once it hits 100% Battery charge begins to drop but the available data "suggests" that its NOT going to load. However the PV is...
  11. D

    New Growatt SPH + Li6532 Installation queries

    Ah. A missing piece of information. Thanks binky. Goes some way to explaining a little of the battery drain, though I think there's a tad more going on here than spec sheet would lead one to believe. Much will obviously have to do with the Growatts algorithms which sadly seem to be vailed in...
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    New Growatt SPH + Li6532 Installation queries

    Time for an update. As noted in a separate post, inverter and battery enclosures have now been fitted with grounding straps. The generation meter has also been swapped over for a (my purchase). See initial posts if interested. All completed by my installer and changes documented. (y)...
  13. D

    Inverter, Battery, PV earthing question.

    Just to draw a line under this one. Installer has returned and fitted earth straps to the inverter and battery enclosures. Response from Growatt regarding the battery was "its doubly insulated" ( something I'd picked up on in some other discussion on the web) so even though its class 1 the...
  14. D

    ShinePhone Flummoxed!

    Hi Sounds like we have an identical system as I'm also a Solar Together recipient in Cheshire. May want to exchange experiences at some point... :) There are other contributors on here who have similar kit and will probably wade in however the first thing to note is that the shine phone app is...
  15. D

    Inverter, Battery, PV earthing question.

    My system has a Growatt SPH hybrid inverter and Growatt Li battery. Both units have earthing points on their enclosure and both are classified as class 1 protection. These are called out in the Growatt documentation which states should be fitted with 10mm2 earth cable. My installer hasn't...
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    New Growatt SPH + Li6532 Installation queries

    Thanks again John. Have to hold my hand up to wanting to fit your data to my observations without thinking it through before engaging fingers to keyboard. Blindingly obvious point to make is that even if the structure at the SOC minimum is the BMS doing some degree of battery protection, during...
  17. D

    New Growatt SPH + Li6532 Installation queries

    Have had to wait a while for a decent PV day in order to get an SOC plot with a 100% charge just to compare with that from John in post 40 above. Although this doesn't have an overnight charge event, yesterdays charge was sufficient to carry over to the early hours, it does illustrate that on...
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    New Growatt SPH + Li6532 Installation queries

    That's interesting and maybe worrying. This is a typical SOC plot for my system. The first overnight charge started at 00:20 and stopped 01:20. It then discharges back to the 12% level and then you can see it slowly looses charge until 05:55 when the cycle is triggered all over again...
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    emlite eca2 generation meter

    John It depends on where in the system this is wired in. Do you have the schematic for your system? In most installations this meter sits between the inverter and the junction block where the PV system feeds into the supply between the utility meter and the consumer unit. In which case if it was...
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    New Growatt SPH + Li6532 Installation queries

    Well shouldn't be surprised but flipping those parameters to "disabled" made no difference. Worryingly it also feels like the time between events is actually getting shorter. Overnight I recorded 3 hours and 4 hours between grid charge episodes suggesting the loss of charge from 12% through...