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  1. B

    C&G 2391

    I did part p, 17th and 2392 with accsess training cardiff and i am doing 2391 shortly. I'm local but have been doing courses with mainly london boys who travel and stay in digs, they went through olci i booked straight with access and i payed approximately a grand less than most of them just by...
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    hi my thread not very clear, i qulified with access training not NIC but will look into those green certs. cheers m8.
  3. B


    Hi i've just started on my own and with a small budget ebay is the way forward! I've had everything from a
  4. B


    Many thanks, saves me trying to photo copy them out the regs
  5. B


    Hi could anybody help me? I qualified as a domestic installer earlier this year, i'm now kitted up and ready to start doing some smaller work and have secured my first job. Wanting to make sure everything is done to the book, i obviously need to issue certs after jobs but i'm struggling to find...