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Junior Member
Jan 4, 2009
Reaction score
Hi could anybody help me? I qualified as a domestic installer earlier this year, i'm now kitted up and ready to start doing some smaller work and have secured my first job. Wanting to make sure everything is done to the book, i obviously need to issue certs after jobs but i'm struggling to find Minor and Electrical installation certs similar or the same as the ones in the OSG. Does anybody know of a good website i can print them off?

I appreciate that being with the NICEIC makes life easier but as i have not been trading for six months and am still picking the basic snags of being an installer i'll have to find my own certs. many thanks.

Many thanks, saves me trying to photo copy them out the regs

Hi could anybody help me? I qualified as a domestic installer earlier this year, i'm now kitted up and ready to start doing some smaller work and have secured my first job. Wanting to make sure everything is done to the book, i obviously need to issue certs after jobs but i'm struggling to find Minor and Electrical installation certs similar or the same as the ones in the OSG. Does anybody know of a good website i can print them off? I appreciate that being with the NICEIC makes life easier but as i have not been trading for six months and am still picking the basic snags of being an installer i'll have to find my own certs. many thanks.
Welcome to the forum m8! :D

excuse my thickness.......

but do I understand you have qualified as a Dom Inst with NICEIC?

Therefore have your reg No?

In which case AFAIK, you can purchase and issue NICEIC headed certs? ?:|


if not ANYBODY... qualified or not can purchase the plain green NICEIC book of certs!

(just went to the NICEIC website but the link to their shop doesn't seem to work at the moment????)

I think most part P providers do similar certs???

If you have a computer you could design your own if you wanted and put the NIC logo on it all you have to do is buy the cert numbers from them.

check ebay there are a few people selling certificates on disc ..

i personally use easy cert works great and looks professional. also get the mobile pda add on .. and you get zs for the pda too free.

hi my thread not very clear, i qulified with access training not NIC but will look into those green certs. cheers m8.
