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  1. T

    BDC in administration

    Most of us have lives and want to do things at the weekend other than be sat on a computer hiding behind a pseudonym bravely snivelling at the world. and in some cases mocking people who have suffered misfortune. what dya say shalom. and no i dont have a job. dont need one. :^O :^O:^O KA''CHING !
  2. T

    BDC in administration

    He would have had his little key in his back turned by [* unnamed persons *] and pointed in this direction to report back. ask him for a cheap lcd tv, he'll sort you out;\ ; \
  3. T

    BDC in administration

    He started it ! :_| :_| aw, o.k. was only havin a bit of fun. Sorry. :(
  4. T

    BDC in administration

    5ft nothing and fat You've seen my lash then.Applaud SmileyApplaud SmileyApplaud SmileyApplaud Smiley:^O:^O:^O:^O
  5. T

    BDC in administration

    ooooch. :o :O:O:O:O way to go watcher !
  6. T

    BDC in administration

    hmmm, looks like we've found the anger ! lol:D:D:D
  7. T

    BDC in administration

    or pity :x :x:x anger is non productive and generates disorganised responses. subjective views with a level of organised analysis however, are normally a result of controlled emotions such as pity. very good to blame the administrators. of course they were totally responsible for the poor...
  8. T

    BDC in administration

    och aye. none of them pulled the wool over anyones eyes, lied to protect their own existance, backstabbed anyone to progress their own means or courted favourtism in order to get what they wanted at the expense of the good of the business. bloomin 3 white angels the lot of them. never heard...
  9. T

    BDC in administration

    A successful Brand Director, a highly motivational and inspirational former Regional Manager and a strategically dynamic Ops Director are all keeping a dignified silence and getting on with the business of running a company. wouldnt think any of them would lower themselves to this bellyaching.
  10. T

    BDC in administration

    Oh Goody, Story time !
  11. T

    BDC in administration

    [* unnamed persons *] is ???!!!
  12. T

    BDC in administration

    Didnt say you had, i was shakin it with bluerondo and having a bit of fun. come on geezer lighten up. And which senior management was up North then, thought the real big cheeses were all [* unnamed persons *]
  13. T

    BDC in administration

    Did add lol, !! was sarcasm. can see the names mentioned were good guys. my initial gripe was with the likes of [* unnamed persons *] , [* unnamed persons *] and their sidekick. always came to meetings and conferences griping about how bad everyone else was. Commerical Supplies elitism...
  14. T

    BDC in administration

    told you they were all rubbish up north. lol. How accurate is this claim about [* unnamed persons *] trying to sell the Company. How is this known. or is it more hearsay. exbdc, are you north or south based, you appear to have a lot of info on other ex staff. are you in touch with many of them.
  15. T

    BDC in administration

    SORRY ! y such a fixation about [* unnamed persons *] . he's taken a fair bit of stick on here
  16. T

    BDC in administration

    thats 2 weeded out. :^O :^O:^O:^O:^O:^O:^O:^O
  17. T

    BDC in administration

    very ill informed, or another senior bdc staff member whose only response to any sort of situation they dont like is to spread lies, insults ,rumour and blame. [* unnamed persons *] are very healthy, cash rich AND STILL IN BLOODY BUSINESS. they have a good guy at the helm and a good...
  18. T

    BDC in administration

    i think some of the codes are actually quite clear even to a Simpleton, mmm there's something, ; ; you dont get them! from what i can see there are definately no egos on here exept yours which has a dominant characteristic of being judgemental. (could be guilt) either way, just try and...
  19. T

    BDC in administration

    [* unnamed persons *] now at [* unnamed persons *] . fair play to him. [* unnamed persons *] may get job at Mac D's as long as he doesnt have to make any decisions such as fries or side salad. what happened to the other rubbish RM's. wheres [* unnamed persons *] , the only decent one.
  20. T

    BDC in administration

    same name that was subjected to a fair level of personal abuse on facebook. did he deserve it? and your guess is right. the senior management really started to go to pieces once [* unnamed persons *] left in 2004. the in fighting was incredible, the bitching constant and the decision making...