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  1. F

    What Do You Think Of My Website

    Thanks for all your great feedback. It's actually a website I made for my brother. I'll definitely sort out the grammar, and get some more photos. The shower photo is from job he's done, you can see more pics here ...
  2. F

    What Do You Think Of My Website anything I could improve on? THanks
  3. F

    New Posts Disappear?

    I think there's a problem with the forum, I was getting errors last night posting through the site.
  4. F

    Work Experience In Leeds

    search for electricians in leeds in google and send them all a message via their contact form: best of luck!
  5. F

    A Day Off

    probably came home with one of those show girls :P
  6. F

    Ugly Wife

    its not funny. now the baby is ugly not the wife!
  7. F

    Tea Drinking

    what about coffee?
  8. F

    CIS Mate Midlands

    Sorry what is CIS?
  9. F

    Made redundant today

    Get some business cards made and flyers, go round to a load of estate agents and hand them out, good luck!