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    The Smiths To reform
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    The Smiths To reform

    Thats cool you either love them (I DO) or you don't just thought if you did !
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    The Smiths To reform

    If you like The Smiths ( the band ) and you don't like what the current goverment is doing Then you may like to look here and vote The Smiths To Reform If The Coalition Government Steps Down | Facebook
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    A bit of flint and a stone
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    a little knowledge is a dangerous thing..

    But what posts they are Badger its Quality not quantity
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    Insurance claim through the books

    Thanks guys . It happened to a friend of a friend and her uncle works in a garage and can do it for that . I have x amount of years no claims although i don't know if its protected I will have to look . The price of
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    Insurance claim through the books

    I bumped someones bumper the other day and it will cost
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    3 word story

    not pimms urine
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    3 word story

    Partially Shaved Testis
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    Square D RCDX

    Cad Spark give her the options? The board is due a change its old enough , my concern would be due to the age of the board and rcbos/mcbs if she won't go for it tell her the price of a replacement rcbo.
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    Square D RCDX

    When the 17th edition came out all the talk in the wholesalers was about "how rcbo prices would come down now" I am still waiting. If its in a domestic setting it would be cheaper to replace board rather than replace for a Rcbo. Your case looks industrial, the answer to your question is yes...
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    Square D RCDX

    I believe thats the old sort Edmundson sell the old style Sq D Rcbos but expect to pay upwards of
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    Wander lead - make or buy

    I was dilly dallying for years Started off using my ext lead with the Kewtech adaptors For a one off job its ok but if you do a bit of testing I found it a pain in the rectum. Bought a wander lead a lot easier than plugging all the bits in and looks more professional;
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    No Rcd on sockets

    Seeing as you put it like that Sidewinder I agree with you. I have been asked to carry out a few mods on a student let with the carrot of 40 more properites blah blah vlah. Basically an extra socket and move a light switch a metre or so. I checked the bonding but noted no RCD protection on...
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    No Rcd on sockets

    Sockets are already in . Andy
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    No Rcd on sockets

    Out of interest How many of you guys would give an unsatisfactory to a PIR if the only discrepancy was no RCd protection on sockets that are likely to supply portable equipment.Bear in mind that these are generally student lets so the chance of any work nevermind work outside being carried...
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    which test equipment is best

    Agree with all the above I learnt testing using Fluke 1652's So when I went solo This is what I bought. Secondly and more importantly the Fluke is all yellow and a nice colour all one colour. The Megger is multi coloured do you really want that ?
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    Main Bonding and cctv

    Thank you for you replies and to you Canoe Boy for your warm welcome. How does one become a distinguished Member ? I thought Albert could of tried harder