Until I visit the site again, which is next week, to undertake 1st fix of wiring I don't know the capacity of the solar panels. I will have a look at the kit they have, then set it up and run some tests.
I don't anticpate the average demand to be anywhere near the maximum. Over half the lighting (90 watts) is in the bathroom, bedroom and a loft storage area and will not be used a great deal. All the lights will be individually switched so only 1 fitting (approx 12watts) maybe sufficient in a room.
The customer has been using the present set up for few years without problems, and is only re-wiring due to the chalet being rebuilt because it's structure was in a poor condition. They have been running lighting, a 12v socket and using the inverter. The charge regulator has the facility to connect in a wind turbine, so if in the future as the replies are suggesting the generating capacity needs to be increased it can be. Like wise the battery capacity, more can be added if required.
The chalet will have weekend usage and will be empty during the week enabling around 5 days of charging without any draw on the batteries, with a furthur 2 days of charging whilst the chalet is in use. I feel it will be hard to justify the extra ependiture of around 5k to re-instate what has been working up to now, although I appreciate the new max demand is more.
This is similar to replacing a 4 way CU (lights, sockets, shower & cooker = 95A) to brand new 8 way with sockets up & down, lights up & down, cooker, shower, boiler onto seperate circuit, smoke alarm seperate circuit = 162A. There is potentially 60% more capacity, but in practice the max demand is unlikely to change as the same equipment will be used.