17th Edition exam only?

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Mar 5, 2016
Reaction score
Acton Town
Hi, is it possible to do 17th Edition without paying 400-500 pounds for the course, just the exam? I know I can pass it easily, I just don't want to waste time and money on something I don't need. I found this "electropass" course but it looks dodgy, what do you think?

I did mine at PASS in Stockton. When I contacted them about doing the exam only they said it wasn't possible as I needed to show 14 (I think it was 14) classroom hours. This was done on their online system where it can track your usage, but according to them it was a C&G requirement. I have heard of place offering the exam only, but considering PASS told me it was a C&G requirement to do these classroom hours, I'd be questioning just how legit they actually are. Think the online version with exam with PASS was about £350 - still a fair old whack.

I did mine at PASS in Stockton. When I contacted them about doing the exam only they said it wasn't possible as I needed to show 14 (I think it was 14) classroom hours. This was done on their online system where it can track your usage, but according to them it was a C&G requirement. I have heard of place offering the exam only, but considering PASS told me it was a C&G requirement to do these classroom hours, I'd be questioning just how legit they actually are. Think the online version with exam with PASS was about £350 - still a fair old whack.
Thank you thebight, very helpful. Obviously I want it to be absolutely regular. If £350 is as cheap as it gets I can start crying...

This is from a thompson training, they offer the normal course (£400) and distance learning (£200).

2382-15 17th Edition IET Wiring Regulations (BS7671:2015)

This is the new 3rd Amendment Course, which comes into effect as of 1st July 2015.

This is provided to the electricain so that he can study at home and not lose the time and money attending a course at a college.

You will be provided with a module to work through. This goes through the sections of the Regs methodically. At the end of each section there is revision and practice questions. There will also be a tutor to contact, along with mock exams.

Once you are ready you can contact us and arrange to take the online 2 hour exam.

Their website looks very legitimate, they also have the normal courses. Looks like I'll have to phone City & Guilds to find out, I'm really confused. :D


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