17yr old apprentices

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Late update due to the fact my phone won't connect to forum and on Internet still get user name and password not recognised. So now signed up with new name. Apprentice now on finally notice. Not bad to say he's on a 3 month trial. To say he's useless is an understatement, doesn't look interested at all! ADIOS!!!

I'm a 40 year old apprentice (slow learner) had one of the kids wander off on face book while he was supposed to be footing my ladder.

He got a little shouted at!

Other one uses over a gig of data on his phone every month.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 14:23 ---------- Previous post was made at 14:12 ----------

So true, neither of ours want to spark for a living after completion, just something to fall back on, do minimum of work, minimum of effort at college.

I did all my college while working shifts in a none related industry, high grades all the way. Doing HNC now, the'yre getting assignments handed back needing to put extra work in for a pass, mine are distinctions. Is there a blow your own trumpet smiley?

The kids at college getting it on a plate and cant even bring a pad and paper to class.

Rant over :consoling
I used almost 7gig on mine one week! :|

I was streaming online TV though to watch racing, :D
