17yr old apprentices

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May 17, 2012
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Been working with a couple of young apprentices today. OMG. They only have one speed whilst walking and they have their phones in their hands more than a screwdriver. If this carries on tomorrow someone will be going home with my boot up their arse and a squashed phone.

Tell me about it been doing a shop fit last few weeks wi sum 1 just out of his time never off the phone he has to put it on charge half way through the day cos he's never off it told him I won't be working with him no more also told the gaffer

Found 1 second fixing sockets with the phone next to him on Facebook. Watched him for a while and he spent more time updating his status than terminating the cables. Think he was a bit shocked when I vented my anger. I think your right they seem to think the world will end if they don't respond in 5seconds.

Most kids these days take there apprenticeship as granted most of them fall into jobs way too easy but others who are desperate for the opportunity never get the chance

I'm a 40 year old apprentice (slow learner) had one of the kids wander off on face book while he was supposed to be footing my ladder.

He got a little shouted at!

Other one uses over a gig of data on his phone every month.

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 14:23 ---------- Previous post was made at 14:12 ----------

Most kids these days take there apprenticeship as granted most of them fall into jobs way too easy but others who are desperate for the opportunity never get the chance
So true, neither of ours want to spark for a living after completion, just something to fall back on, do minimum of work, minimum of effort at college.

I did all my college while working shifts in a none related industry, high grades all the way. Doing HNC now, the'yre getting assignments handed back needing to put extra work in for a pass, mine are distinctions. Is there a blow your own trumpet smiley?

The kids at college getting it on a plate and cant even bring a pad and paper to class. :shakehead

Rant over :consoling

Been working with a couple of young apprentices today. OMG. They only have one speed whilst walking and they have their phones in their hands more than a screwdriver. If this carries on tomorrow someone will be going home with my boot up their arse and a squashed phone.
The apprentice with me has to ask if he can make a phonecall on site .

We have one thats just started with us. Everytime backs are turned hes sitting down on his phone. As he's a family member of the boss, it seems his attitude is that he can do what he wants.

He didnt even have an interview for the job where as the rest of us did and his attitude is getting worse as each day passes

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Not all apprentices are like this lol im 21 so maybe it's just an age thing but a couple of the boys in my college class who are funnily enough are 17 are useless always on their phone and don't pay much attention have bad attitudes and I don't seem them making it through the 4 years lol

I had a lad working with me about 25 years old, he was always on the phone , I asked him to get me some material one day and he said, wait there I'm on the phone, after that he didn't use it much, I think he was a bit socked by my reaction

That's the thing if you nip it in the bud to start with they won't do it. What am I saying the lad that works for me is always on his phone luckily mainly during tea breaks.

We have one thats just started with us. Everytime backs are turned hes sitting down on his phone. As he's a family member of the boss, it seems his attitude is that he can do what he wants.He didnt even have an interview for the job where as the rest of us did and his attitude is getting worse as each day passes
the apprentice I sacked was like this, had only worked for his family previously....

They dont get much better as they get older either, I've got 2 lads just out of thier time on my site and both of them are never off thier phones, everytime you go looking for them they are in a dark corner sat on facebook and hours behind on every single job. My gaffer wont do anything about it though which really annoys me as theres only so much you can do/say before tempers are lost big time

as for our current apprentice hes 21 hes not on his phone much but his attitude stinks, only been on the tools 5 mins and thinks he calls the shots :| he tried telling a time served spark of 25 years what to do last week and then wondered why he only just avoided the hammer that was thrown at him

Was talking to a guy the other day, similar age to me, who applied for a job with a fortunate500 company and was turned down before the interview stage based on the fact that he didn't have a Facebook page.
You can tell how old I am. We hang our laundry out to dry in the back garden, the youngsters of today hang it in the street.

Can we have a stoneage smiley, please?

The kids at college getting it on a plate and cant even bring a pad and paper to class. :shakehead
I recognize this. I'm only two weeks into my first year at college and already one of the boys are whinging "I'm never gonna use this **** when I'm an electrician, I'm taking over my grandad's company". We were learning about Ohm's Law! :C

I recognize this. I'm only two weeks into my first year at college and already one of the boys are whinging "I'm never gonna use this **** when I'm an electrician, I'm taking over my grandad's company". We were learning about Ohm's Law! :C
That's going down the pan then!


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