Can you not read it from the switch ..on the front or on the side.
If it doesn't show a BS number just leave it blank .. someone who worries about such things will come along one day and spend hours tracking it down .......and still no one will give a toss what it is.
So move on with your life , travel the world, meet a nice girl, get married , the sun will still rise ...let it's healing rays bathe your face with warmth and forget that once you worried about what the BS number of some ancient Crabtree main switch .
I've had a few of those on PIRs ... like I don't have enough problems because I can't tick a box on a form . :coat
There are those who worry about such things , during a yearly assessment some years ago, one of them was disconcerted because we had installed green earth cable instead of G/Yell, just after the yellow stripe was added.
Being from another planet he couldn't understand that when we'd used all the green up we would then be buying G/Yell.