2330 to end

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So that was released over a month back but I'm sure someone on here said they had contacted c&g and was told they had not heard of this.

So that was released over a month back but I'm sure someone on here said they had contacted c&g and was told they had not heard of this.
Yeh I remember that, Patch will probably find it:D

if i've read the link right it looks as though they are merging the 2330 with the NVQ. if this is so. am i right in thinking that this means if you want to learn to be an electrician you ARE gonna have to be working in the trade????

which is not nessesserily (spelt wrong i'm sure) a bad thing.

where are all these jobs for wanna be electricians gonna come from? i've been going to college for the last 4 years and am not in the industry as can't afford to be a 32 year old apprentice plus not a lot of jobs out there that i can tell.this will pretty much kill any chance for people looking for a career change surely.

if i've read the link right it looks as though they are merging the 2330 with the NVQ. if this is so. am i right in thinking that this means if you want to learn to be an electrician you ARE gonna have to be working in the trade????which is not nessesserily (spelt wrong i'm sure) a bad thing.

where are all these jobs for wanna be electricians gonna come from? i've been going to college for the last 4 years and am not in the industry as can't afford to be a 32 year old apprentice plus not a lot of jobs out there that i can tell.this will pretty much kill any chance for people looking for a career change surely.
Yes basically it will mean that unles you are an apprentice or such like then you won't get a look in.

It's probably pressure from large companies that caused this as people applying for jobs who have the paper qualifications but have no practical experiance at all and companies are getting sick of it.

Im sure someone will find a way round it .. all these fasttrack training providers arnt gonna go bust overnight due to this change surely?

I understand it from both sides so not wanting to start an arguement!


I'm sure this will just increase the number of people who whould have gone though 2330 to become a spark, just shortcutting it and going on a 5 day course. The only wiinners here will be the boot camp style training centres.

What makes a competent person ? I know people who have experience but no formal qualifications . How are they going to get on now this is going to happen . I can't see many companies taking on people without qualifications no matter what experience they might have. It will make things very tough for anyone over say 21 to make it in the industry . I fully support the apprenticeship scheme and always will as I never had the chance of one when I left school many moons ago. I wonder if the plumbing industry will stop taking on ex accountants ;)

our tutors told us about this months ago, thats why they have crammed the level 3 into five months, their already prepairing the new course, (i wonder if they had advanced warning of it as the govenment have just spent millions on building a new state of the art collage that opens in May) they have already said that they want to open with the most up to date courses.

they also said that the government funding is being withdrawn making the course a hell of alot more expensive.

They said that it was because so few are doing the NVQ, which isn't supprising really, Im 38 and doing this at evening classes to become multi skilled as im a maintenance engineer, i'd love to get into the trade full time but whos gunna pay the sort of money im used to when i have no real experience on the tools.

I do think its a very hard subjuct to learn unless your in the trade, i guess it can only serve to drive up quality, but its gunna scupper me im sureheadbang............whats gunna happen to all those doing level 2 now, what will they progress onto??? will they have to do the whole new course from the beggining and how long will it be i wonder???

whats gunna happen to all those doing level 2 now, what will they progress onto??? will they have to do the whole new course from the beggining and how long will it be i wonder???
Am one of those people doing my level 2 2330


Anyone who gets a apprenticeship before september can do the the 2330 level 3 & NVQ 2356 level 3. Jobs are not easy to find tho :(
