2391 practical.

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2008
Reaction score
I passed my 2391 practical this morning. I was nervous at first but as soon as I got underway it all went well.Filled out all the sheets with time to spare.I'm now waiting on the results from the theory exam now. GuinnessGuinnessGuinness

Good luck mate, I did My 2391, passed the practical, but got My backside whipped on the theory, I am fairly certain I know where I screwed up though.Andy
I feel about 50/50 with the written exam. I know I can resit it in June but hope I don't have to mate..

I think nerves set in on the practical, which I also think the examiner takes account of. The theory is harder but most of this is down to bad habbits being in the industry so long, you know what I mean, Live: Line etc: Terminology in the theory is one of the most failed part from what I gather.

I do wish all those well who have taken it recently, a guy I have been training as just provisionally passed his practical, and I am very confident that he has passed his theory, down to good instruction? No! A very attentative pupil I would say.

Very true about getting the wording right. I've spoken to a couple of lads that have done the written part and like me are waiting for their results. I've been asked what did you put for this and how did you answer that? My view is that whatever you've written down as an answer, you can't change it now anyway but you've got to hope that you've done enough to pass. I don't fancy stting it again but I will if I have to.Good luck to all those that are currently waiting to get their results.

Good luck mate, I do hope you passed, your aptitude is spot on, the fact that you are prepared to have another go if you have failed shows your commitment. I salute you

Good luck mate, I do hope you passed, your aptitude is spot on, the fact that you are prepared to have another go if you have failed shows your commitment. I salute you
Thanks mate!! I've come this far so I'll see it through especially that my old company paid for me to do the course. I've enjoyed doing it too. Got my PAT exam on Monday I'm comfortable with that one as It's an open book exam..

I would have to agree. For those who are taking this exam shortly I would strongly advise that they look at the chief examiners report, what is contained in that report could help you pass this exam.
