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(7) 1.3 / List one statutory and two non- statutory documents that an inspector would be familiar with or may refer to during an inspection and test procedure :

(8) 1.3 / State the following :

(a) statutory document relating to inspection and testing :

(B) British Standard relating to the wiring of electrical installations :

© Non- statutory document giving guidance on inspection and testing :

(9) 1.3 / List the following :

(a) statutory document relevant to inspection and testing :

(B) non- statutory document relevant to electrical test equipment :

© non- statutory document relevant to the requirements for electrical installations :

(10) 1.4 / List three types of installation where the electrical installation may be required to comply with specific statutory regulations in addition to the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 :

(11) 1.4 / List six special locations or installations required to conform to BS-7671 :2008

(12) 1.5 / List twenty items of information required to be contained on an Electrical installation Certificate :

(13) 1.5 / List sixteen items of information to be contained on a Minor Electrical installation Certificate :

(14) 1.5 / List twenty items of information required to be contained on an Periodic Inspection Report for an Electrical Installation ::

(15) 1.5 / List the Eleven main areas of an Electrical Installation to be included on a Schedule of Inspections :

(16) 1.5 / List ten items of information to be included on a Schedule of test results :

how would you word the answer to to following question

state why Zs-Ze cannot be used to accurately determine the value of

