"It Just Is"
Batty, you really are!!
Wished I could get the smilies on the iPad?
Wished I could get the smilies on the iPad?
one of his cousins 'was' my piccy until I went into chat the other night,batty, on 12 Feb 2013 - 22:48, said:
He could use a twin and only one tube would work.
[ :slap ]
OOOh ouch.....LMAO...
Umm, I did try the standard halogens back in a while back, but dont have them anymore to do it again, but they did light for a strip flourescent, i hate them. I know it would be easier. Besides....'she' picked this fitting. Who was I to argue??
Well, I've bit the bullet, and bought 2 LEd blbs as suggested by steptoe. Im thinking if I put them in with the cfl bulbs, at least all 5 should light up......let you guys know just for curiosity when I get them.
Thanks for all your input guys.
PS ...steptoe......windoze? wouldnt be friends with tux the penguin would you?