9448 alarm panel

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
had a look today at a 9448 alarm panel like this one


Customer rang me explaining that the kids had pushed the panic button down and while trying to reset it the cusomer had broken it with the alarm going off he turned off the mains to it, which turned off the sounder. Battery must have been flat as a pancake to not carry on.

So I get there, battery is at 1.2v so yes flat! I link out the PA circuit. re-connect and alarm sounds straight away. With no indication on the pannel of what it is?? I then link out tamper, then zones, still alarms?? Does it sound like due to loosing the mains and battery that it has lost its memory? The customers code wouldn't reset it when going off?

I've found the PDF for it, so going back tomorrow to replace battery and panic buttons, and probably reset it to default and start again unless you guys have some good ideas/experience?





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