A thank you

Talk Electrician Forum

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While we`re doling out thanks and praises......

Our forum sponsor, ISSWWW, saw my comment about a naffered Fluke, and approached me, to see if I wanted them to assess it. Spoke to "Megger Mark" on the `phone today. All I can say: What nice, helpful people. I bought the fluke from them, 6 years ago, and praised their service then. They`ve arranged for it to be courier collected from me, and is going to them to be expedited. I`ll let you know how it goes, but I am really impressed with these guys. Thanks Mark, Dave & the team :) :) :)

When the time is right, I will be sending my Fluke 1652 off to our sponsor (ISSWWW) for calibration.

Does anyone understand the previous post?

WHY????? What on earth is wrong with your calcard??
KME implying Admin doesn't need to send his meter off for calibration if he's using the Calcard regularly!

Oh. Reminds me. We need to do our annual "cross-check" when the flukio comes back???
And as a further check of repeatability they will test their meters on the same installation to make sure the answers are consistent.

He's got a big dog, this is a part of his shopping list. Eats a lot more than Oscar does!


I am better behaved since being a member I say pardon now when I burp. :coat
And you now put butter AND jam on your scones!

and a napkin on your lap!

shall I bring some more strawberry jam for monday...

or is ther still a bit left in last weeks jar? :|
