Adding fused spur for shower pump in bathroom airing cupboard

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Junior Member
Nov 19, 2011
Reaction score
Hi All, I have been asked to add a fused spur for a new shower pump which is located in an airing cupboard which is in turn located in a bathroom. I'm not yet sure if i can conect to an existing circuit in the cupboard or if I will have to run the spur from a near-by ring circuit. My question is, is this notifiable or not? Thanks for your help.

If the airing cupboard has a door, then it is a room in it's own right & not a special location.

Having said that I'd notify it, but then I tend to notify most jobs anyway.

If in any doubt, then notify it anyway, if you are a scam member then the cost is minimal for piece of mind

The cupboard has got a door on it, however you really have confimed my suspicions that it should be notified. Thanks for all the quick replays fellas, much appreciated. ;)

A couple of things to watch out if I can add my bit:

Any "existing" circuit in the airing cupboard may simply be for the immersion heater. This is often run from the CU as it's own radial on say a 16A breaker (say it's a 3kW immersion for example). I have also seen it done in a collection of bungalows built in 1960 whereby the "immersion" socket was just a single 13A socket off the ring (as part of the ring though not a spur) - think I'm right in saying that under current regs this is frowned upon in that it being over 2kW it should be on it's own dedicated circuit etc.

I assume then that it would NOT be acceptable then to extend a 16A radial feeding a 3kW immersion to THEN feed a shower pump? Even if the total load was <16A because of this dedicated circuit business i.e. the radial for the immersion should only feed the immersion.

What is your "existing circuit?
