Aliens are coming ...don't panic!!!

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Read Chariots of the Gods : Was God An Astronaut? Erich Von Daniken.
I read it years ago Tony ,   a lot of  conjecture in it TBH  but caught the imagination when released,   anything slightly off kilter ...must be of alien origin , like those ground markings in Peru or somewhere ...obviously to guide in alien spacecraft ,   could be anything really . 

Easter Island giant heads ...must have been carved & erected by aliens ...yet the natives did one in modern times ,  500 tons or whatever,  they moved it across the island and stood it up without modern equipment .  

Or the ancient iron column in India  that  doesn't rust ...    obviously made by aliens :C ....bring it to the UK  and it'll need 10 coats of red oxide sprayed on it  to last the year out .  

The only thing he hits on is this refurbing of the human/ ape/  brain at some stage ...and theres probably a non alien solution to that ,  just that I don't know it . 

Are we alone ?  Are  the only living beings in the universe  only found on Earth ?    

Given the size and numbers of other galaxies  human logic must say  .."Gotta be someone out there "      But it could also be true  that theres sod all out there .

         Think of the wombat ....they probably  said to each other ..." Yer know what I reckon Cobber  ..I reckon theres wombats in other countries yer know ..I reckon ,Blue , that , say Birmingum  in that there UK  place theres thousands of British wombats all them thousands of  miles away , gotta be , given all the countries on Earth "  

Well theres thousands of somat or other there but they sure 'aint wombats   , Bruce .    

Are we alone ?  Are  the only living beings in the universe  only found on Earth ?    

Well from my limited knowledge of the vast scope of life and all the immense brain and computing power that mankind (womankind) has amassed...…..

So far the only facts we have to work with are...

1/ We haven't even fully explored 100% the depths and heights of this planet we live on.....

2/ We have seen and have knowledge of a massive array of lifeforms that have been catalogued are named and observed here on earth on land in the air and in water or combinations thereof...

3/ But there are still areas and lifeforms we haven't yet sussed out here on our doorstep...

4/ Only 12 humans have ever left earth and stood on another body in our universe that is not earth....

(Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Pete Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, and Harrison Schmitt.)

5/ Out of all of those 12 who have stood on another body other than earth the longest stint was about 3 days on the lunar surface...

6/ So we haven't even been physically on another planet/moon/asteroid or anything other than earth for much more than a month in total...

7/ Our hands-on live experience of anywhere other than earth (which we still haven't fully explored) is pretty much insignificantly small compared to how much time we have had to explore Earth...

8/ We as a human race, man & woman...  Still struggle big time predicting the weather on our planet, basic business and economic forecasts, understanding human nature or predicting fads and trends within our own population....    so it is quite probable that some assumptions and guesswork about what may or ,may not be out there beyond earth could be wrong.. or just wild guesswork!




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olde English for ape is man and for new is Hu,
Really !!!  

Specs .    Yes our knowledge , in the great scheme of things is very limited. 

There are more things in heaven & Earth  Horatio , than are dreamt of in our philosophy ...  Thus spake Shakespeare .

Then again , I heard a audio clip on R5 this morning   ,  air traffic control at Shannon airport.

.Female   pilot :     "  Flight  123 ,  are there military aircraft  operating in this sector ?"

Tower                      "   No , there are no other aircraft in your vicinity "

Female Pilot         "   Well  something just passed us at  Mach 2  "      ( Twice the speed of sound)   :C    

why would any alien life form with the ability to travel through space ****** about scaring little old ladies down dark country lanes and bugging aircraft????  I suspect hand over your money or we blow your planet up would be a far more likely scenario.
