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I remember tallow very well and was it called tuffnell that was used in motor terminals. Also remember rawlplug tools, hit it with the club hammer whilst turning it at the same time, and the pyro stripper that was like a sardine tin key, what a godsend when the joistripper came out.
It was / is called Tufnol No.1  , various types with names like Kite , Whale , Carp.      I used to do machine installs etc for them .

Always stuck with the "Sardine " key TBH   Still have the same one I made in 1066 .  Not used for some years now.

Also , the first company I worked for at 15  , didn't have a conduit bender   but used a wooden block  about 3ft long X  4" X 2"     or  ( 1m X 100 X 25 ) with a hole in it  for setting conduit ,  I moved on and thankfully they had the Hilmor benders. 

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I remember the bending block, our old guys used the legs of old bedheads (hard wood with a 3/4" hole at one end and a 1" hole the other) we did have a Hilmor one but you could not carry it on the bus

maybe we need to have another thread for the old tools we remember ?

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Oh yes !  Bloomin' Blackley tape  what a load of  ...what you said ...( One eye on the swear censor)... that stuff was.  Some kind of icky-sticky fabric , and what a mess when in contact with oil & suds . 

May I add hacksaw blades .  Coming "on the tools " I'd gone to work for a contractor that still had a storeman at the yard , but they had certain rules , to save a few coppers I guess .  

One was hacksaw blades , none of yer Eclipse , they were Ding-Dong , a flexible blade , utter carp and unless you were cutting 4" or 6" trunking or tray , you would only get a 10" blade.

Another was Rawlplug jumper bits ....had to bring your broken/ worn one in before you got a new one .

AND .... you had to learn that if you asked for a 1/4 drill , you got a 5/16  because that is the clearance size !!!     We needed 1/4 to fit the dreaded Enox tank cutters but they wouldn't listen.
Oh yes,returning broken drill bit's that brought back memories,I remember being loaned out to a big engineering firm one time,they made the machines that made exhaust pipes.Part of the job involved drilling this 1/4 plate with a 1/8th drill bit,now the metal was horrible,full of hard bits,plus the position you were in made things awkward too,anyway on average you drilled a dozen holes before the bit snapped and one day I went to the stores,again! for another bit.The storeman threw a wobbler and wouldn't give me one,apparently I'd used my quota! Now people always tell me that I'm far too argumentative so for a change I decided on a different tactic.I went and made a drink and sat by the machine,drink in one hand and fag in the other,the works manager walked past,looked at me and wandered off,about 1/2 hour later he came back and I'm still sat there,he decides to try and have a go so I tell him that I'd love to do some work but I can't,I then explain about the drillbit situation,he goes off to the stores and starts yelling at the storeman,result being that from that day on the storeman never queried what I wanted or why,for some reason he never asked for the broken drill bits either.

The other one I clearly remember involved a box of 1 1/2x8 black jap screws,I was clipping up some pyro on a job and went to the stores,now this storeman treated all the gear as though he was paying for it.I asked for 200 screws and 100 red plugs,he virtually accused me of nicking stuff,he couldn't see why I needed 200 screws but only 100 red plugs,therefore,according to his logic,I must have been pinching the screws.He seemed to have some difficulty in understanding that part of the cable was fixed to brickwork and part to timber,hence the need for twice as many screws as

Phil d   you have just summed up all storemen , everywhere , throughout the galaxy  . Give a bloke a uniform with a flat hat  or stick him behind the hatch of a storeroom & they all become  Jobsworths.

You have reminded me of another "Storeman"  favourite ........... short reach 20mm bushes UNLESS you're working with those really thick cast boxes.

Forget asking for nipples ....." Mek yer own"! !

Forget lockrings    ................" Cut one from coupler "
