Amendment 1

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks to Phoenix  for posting that .   

Have to say  I read through most of it  but it must be me getting past it .  

It just seemed to be getting more  & more  involved  the further I read .  

You can't connect them to  a TN system  unless its 3 phase  with other stuff also connected to it  .

One bit asks for an earth rod connected to the Main Earth Terminal  where I thought you just connected a L& N  supply  & and a rod connected to the charging plug.

Then theres   a  load of stuff about  un-named "Devices "  .      

These days I really don't care much anymore  and just think why is it so over egged   .   And they've been crapping themselves about PME for years now  but  we don't get all this stuff when installing an outside socket .  

Sensible level headed view for EV charge point:

design circuit with appropriate cable for installation method

test Zl and Ze

install new cable 

check R1 + R2

IR test new cable

Test Zs

Test RCD

fill our test cert

do Part P

send invoice, EIC and part p for customer

get paid

next job

why have they made it so over complicated?

PS: seen lots without earth rods installed

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