Conservatives have sorted out **** all, hard working people have sorted out the economy not them, and certainly not the bleeding wealthy bankers. Look at things another way, the financial industry likes the £ to be strong so they can leverage more against their papaer assests, that's great for them but destroys the manufacturing industry and any other export industry which employs a lot more people than the financiers do. Notice how manufacturing bounced back when the £ fell significantly a few years ago making exports far easier to sell abroad and earning money for the UK.
Not that I'm saying Labour have a perfect record, they too ignored industry for 10 years on the grounds that lots of easy money kept flowing in from what we now know to be a corrupt financial sector. Remember how the brave new world of 'services' were the financial saviour of the UK? So they kept the £ strong and spent the taxes, then low and behold the 'light touch' regulation they inherited from the Tories and stuck with turns out to be as much use as a chocholate fire guard and the 'services' collapsed, bankrupting the economy, and most of the world. The only good thing Osbourne did was back off from the slashing public sector finances after about a year when it became very clear it would do more harm than good - as was pointed out by the IFS, who went right up in my estimation as a result. George certainly didn't work it out for himself the public school p******. As it happens the great Tory economic policies have resulted in climbing debt mountain and a lot of pain for ordinary people, and a lot of money wasted on 're-stucturing', you know chaging names of departments - (means you have to re-do all the signs, all the stationary, move all the desks waste **** loads of time which cost £millions to achieve sod all useful), altering the way money is paid to the NHS etc etc. Probably enough money wasted on non-productive nonsense to have actually put a hole in the debt.
Will be interesting if we get the stupid EU vote - IN or OUT when what people actually want is IN but without the political tie up to a federal Europe.