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As a newcomer;

I was never in a scheme and don;t plan on being in one just because of part p. If I have to be in one because of contractual obligations or personal choice I will be.

Scheme providers, not a major problem with most of them, apart from NIC offering the 'half arsed' version which has mostly put me off them. It's part p I'm not so keen on. I also know plenty of people who are a bit useless and I tend to go in and sort out some of the rubbish that they sling in where I can, which I couldn;t afford to do if I was having to pay for registration and cert every job.

As I've said before, a piece of paper doesn;t necessarily make you competent, and the lack of it doesn;t necessarily make you incompetent.

Well didn't steps end up joining a little club?

I woult like to see the LABC being more proactive with the 'cowboys' who do not notify jobs that require it. I think the spirit of the scheme is a good one it was just badly implelemnted (much like most of labours stuff).

Some of the worst things I have seen are done by 'time searved sparks' who do not keep up to date then ask someone else to self certify their work. Who on here would ever leave an installlation they had worked on with NO MAIN BONDING?

I dont think part p works as intended, nor it seems do the NIC as they wouldnt comment on it at a recent tech talk! Policing it would be expensive and difficult and I think I know who would have to pay for it.

I am a scam member but just look on it as advertising.

I have been asked to do machine service work this last month, another two to go, its good money, 1 invoice a week, 1 bill a week (diesel), none of the normal estimates, invoices, chasing money problems. And the machine is right or wrong no gery areas. Not sure I'm looking forward to going back it.

I dont think part p works as intended, nor it seems do the NIC as they wouldnt comment on it at a recent tech talk! Policing it would be expensive and difficult and I think I know who would have to pay for it.I am a scam member but just look on it as advertising.

I have been asked to do machine service work this last month, another two to go, its good money, 1 invoice a week, 1 bill a week (diesel), none of the normal estimates, invoices, chasing money problems. And the machine is right or wrong no gery areas. Not sure I'm looking forward to going back it.
I find it strange that the (easier?) domestic work has to be certified etc etc, yet commercial work is wide open, though probaly better policed by insurance requirements. As an opinion, if insurance companies offered discounts for PIRed houses or made it clear in their policies that electrical work undertaken in kitchens, bathrooms etc must be compliant with part-p or insurance is void, it might push the legislation into being vaguely enforced. It was them what lobbied for part P after all!!

Well I heard at the wholesalers today (info from another forum apparently) that the list of notifiable type jobs is to be extended & the cost of notifying to BC's is going up.


Commercial and industrial work must be done to BS7671 also, it must be designed constructed, inspected & tested to comply with EAWR89, PUWER98 & HASAWA74.

In the intro to the 17th there is a statement from HSE saying that an installation designed to etc. would be expected to comply with the requirements of EAWR.

Thus it would minimise the risk of prosecution of the duty holder in the premises if they could prove that this was the case.



I think you will find that the domestic insurace clauses are already in all standard house policies and have been for a very long time.

I expect this to be policed much more rigidly shortly due to the financial sector difficulties.
