Another " House of the Recumbent Teenager" today.

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Replacing a C/U today , I get there at 10.00 , bloke says " My sons are on their computers ,will the power go off?"

Errr Yes !! In about 10mins !!!

I'm switching back on at 2.00pm , the bloke says "The lights in the lounge don't work, I have to fetch my wife from work , I'll have to get the boys out of bed to show you "

Bleedin' 2.00 'O' Clock , cor blimey mate . Give 'em a kick up the jacksie. I come acrosss this more and more these days.

Bleary eyed 20yr old appears , then drops his dad in it "These lights have'nt worked for weeks" .

I thought it was wierd , I'd reconnected everything in the board , not been into the rest of the place.

Yeah, bit like my neighbour's son , seems to have spent the last 4 years in his bedroom , playing an online computer game , plays until around 3.00- 4.00 am in the night , sleeps till about 2.00pm winter and summer , 20yrs old, never worked in his life , WOS . Occasonally ventures outside to buy more ganga from another Waste Of Space in a car.

sometimes the parents aint much better either

other week got a call from letting agent to go fix a fan. phone tennant (at 11am) to arrange a time. only to get them out of bed, and them to rant on about how early it was.

did some work in new build house, they are letting there son and girlfriend live there until they compleate on there old house, had keys as they wont get up, place stinks, food still in pans and plates, there for a few days, food all over oven and splash back, pizza boxs ect all over the living room, spilt drinks on floor just left for days, the lad was away on hol, his girlfriend got up about 2pm only to go down and lay on settee with a blanket watching films. both in there twentys. no food or milk in fridge bins full of take out boxes.

Next door neighbours son is same age as mine...[now 27]


Did D of E gold in Canada, canoed upa river [or down] for 3 days. raised ALL money themselves. Honours Degree, runs/owns Internet company, drives a nice Porsche, own house etc etc etc


Grunts, got out of bed to start a journalism course. did not realise he would have to get to college under his own power. college 6 mles away, course jacked. 2 more years in bed then gets a job at local corner shop. his mother who lives 1 mile away picks him up for work!! He has the pasty look of a 'daylight dodger'. At 27 he cannot even make his own meals or make a brew. seems to be welded into his dressing gown, or 'stuck' with some unmentionable stuff


Lets face it , times have changed . I left school at 16 went straight out to work and worked pretty much everyday until October 2008 then had 2 years of watching daytime TV forced upon me.

KIds today dont really have alot to look forward to , there isnt many jobs around , what there is they want experience , and parents will give em money so wheres the incentive. Although some parents are to no better , I have known parents that have never done a proper days work in their lives so what chance is there to break the mould ?

No pride , no respect .

Both my kids that have just left school are working

Vodafone assistant manager

JJB but he is waiting to go in the Army

their mother hasnt worked in 21 years........

Hey, this doesn't go for every teenager out there today, I'm techincally still one, though legally I'm not. I left school at 16, College for two years, will be qualifiying as a Sparky soon and then going self employed - at the age of 18.

Yes 18

a spark in 2 years,


well I never,

suppose Im just getting old,

technology these days,


next thing you will be telling me is you can get loaves that the baker has already cut up.

Basically been learning from a couple of family friends since I was about 12 and at the age of 16 I had a fairly good understanding of most things electrical, so then to college to learn the rest of it and then to sit the exams at City and Guilds training Centre.
