Another puzzle

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Senior Member
Jan 3, 2010
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OK, 3 arnoured cables, 3 core new colours.

All glanded into a box where the functional switches are to be connected

One is to be the mains supply.

One is connected to a lamp post fitted with a low energy lamp.

One is connected to low voltage transformers to power outdoor lights.

You can't energise the supply, how can you tell which cable is which from the box?

You can't follow the routes of the cables they are all buried underground and glanded into the box.

Or look at the Markings that you did on them on first fix. ]:)


End to end continuity is a no-no as 2 of the cables are already terminated into their respective current consuming apparatus and sealed off and buried underground.

The first fix markings were unfortunately taken off by the gardeners when they were sorting out around the box.

Any other suggestions.

Continuity test ends ?

Transformer feed tests as short (or resistence of L-N Loop)

Low energy lamp shows resistence value

Cable to feed mains is open circuit

And you will soon find out if you were right when you power upROTFWL

sellers, sorry buddy not possible to connect temp supply

sparkytim, close but no cigar!

I am looking for 2391-01 type answers.

Just for fun of course!



mains shows N-E continuity

low en lamp no continuity?

tanny shows l-n cont

You are getting there.

Mains is not yet connected, the OP says that one IS TO BE the mains supply.

I don't think that continuity would be an acceptable answer for 2391-01?

Could the LE lamp give a zero, low or high continuity or open circuit?

We need to definitively pin down which cable is which so we can decide absolutely where to connect them.

Let's say we have one shot to connect.

Once someone gets there I'll tell you how I did it on Sat at about 17:00 after being on site since 08:00, having worked 80 hours the previous week and the previous goodness knows how many weeks, and having been out with some friends at a rugby game on the Fri p.m. and did not get home till 01:30 Sat a.m.


What stage is the mains cct at?

N + CPC connected?

If it is then you should have low ohms reading between N and CPC on this cable only if Tn supply.

So take that as mains and interconnect to others, does it matter which switch does which?

sellers, sorry buddy not possible to connect temp supplysparkytim, close but no cigar!

I am looking for 2391-01 type answers.

Just for fun of course!

Then you should have put that in the OP. :_|

OK I should have worded my Q a little better. :Blushing

Not so much "critical" of the test equipment terms, more a better description of the expected readings.

If you've done 2391 think of the rig faults, I have a little advantage as I have trained too, not 2391 but as I had passed it one of the other trainers described to me how the rig was constructed.

So you have 3 cables, connected in a box.

The other ends are:

1. connected to a low energy lamp in a lighting column (no control gear)

2. connected to a transformer for elv outdoor lights

3. unconnected waiting to be put into an underground resin joint for the mains supply

So what readings would you expect with the comments to date and thus how would you from the readings taken, identify which cable is which?

Using OK, a low resistance ohm meter, I used my DMM on ohms range.



Ok so its back to previous answer

Mains open circuit L-N reading > max on low ohms scale

Transformer low L-N ohm reading = to R1+RN

Low energy lamp circuit the other one, something between the other 2

So Paul are you going to put us out of or misery, how did You do it?

Sorry Guys,

I've been a bit busy last couple of days and not spent much time on here.

Sparkytim you are correct that was what I did.

Between L&N for the LV trans got about 55 ohms actually R1+RN+Rtrans or there abouts, can never get an exact true repeatable measurement because of the behaviour of the transformer windings.

Betwwen all cores on the incoming mains about 9 Megs (Fluke 87)

On low energy lamp around 2 Megs.



p.s. sorry again for not being around.
