Any Martial artists here?

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Supporting Member
Aug 22, 2008
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Does anyone here practice any martial arts?

If so what art and whats your grade?

Obviously I do. I'm a second Dan and I study Shotokan Karate.

hi there i did shotakan for 8 years and got my 1st dan shodan but sadly work comitment at one time i was doing it 3 to 4 days a week and loved it

i did a few competions and and got 1st in group fighting and 3rd place on solo kata

i got to green belt in tae-kwondo when i was 12, hit 13 and prefered hanging out with mates instead.

I studied the ancient art of Lap Goch, an old ancient Welsh way of self defence, studied it up in the slate mountains for 10 years worked my way up to "Yaki Da Dan" !! Then bought a gun, much easier.

Black belt 1st Dan in Judo. Studied Aikido for a bit and Jui Jitsu too before trying my hand at MMA. Now no time for any of it. Came in very handy for the door work I spent years doing!

well i used to specialise in painting lunar activities, i did my first astroid belt quite young and finished my copernicus soon after but never branched out as far as.... :Blushing

oops sorry.....thought you were asking about martian artists... :innocent

I used to do Tae Kwon Do, but after a heavy days work channeling walls etc, I kind of found it too knackering, and I've got enough aches and pains without adding to them :^O . However TV is complete garbage these days so was thinking of taking up Tai Chi to keep balance and flexibility going into my old age

used to kickbox loved it but was expensive, and very time consuming to be good, dont really have time in the evenings to do it, it was good when i worked for a company regular time finishes. Would love to start again.
