Anyone use "Flukeview" software.....

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Used an old version to "talk" to my 'scope in a previous job.


You thinking of getting it?

I have the 1653 with IR comms, but did not bother with the software.


I was considering upgrading from the 1652 to the `53.

Primarily to save time writing down results, then transferring `em to "easycert".

I`ve just spoken to Brian at easycert, to see if meter results could be downloaded into the software - answer NO!

So I`m wondering what the best choice is - does Flukevies print NIC forms? I don`t think it does, TBH.

n.b. how do you find the 1653? I like the 1652, apart from the test leads (which are standard across the range - thinking of trying another manufacturer for the new set of leads.....)_


OK, leads, Hmmm.

Uk MD of Kewtech told me their remote lead fitted.

It don't I found out after buying one!

Anyone want a Kew remote probe, never used, just taken out of the packing!

I got the 53 as it has the reduced IR test voltages, I can use it on low & ELV control panels, plus the ramp test & the earth rod.

Never used the comms bit.

The Flukeview I had was an old clunky type and did not go anywhere near forms!

As far as the leads go except the remote probe which you are stuffed with you have to go Fluke, I have found the Kew leads excellent!

I will replace my leads with the Kew ones as and when I need.

I am not sure what you can download from the Fluke to.

This claims to be NIC forms & Fluke compliant, also does cable calcs.


