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Jun 3, 2008
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I finished my electrical course last June, and completed my AM2 last week.

I have been told i do not have to go on the 17th EDT course, by my employer (which is a big company), as my collge course and exams were out when the 17edt was out, it this the case?


If you finished last year then you probably did the 2330 - it may teach to the 17th edition (it would be daft not to), but it only scratches the surface with regards the regulations.

Have you had a flick through the 'regs'?

Do you really think you now know where all the relevant info is and how to access it.

Do the course and tell your employer to stop looking for short cuts. :p

I dont understand, if he finished his course in 2010 surely he would have learnt 17th, it would have been 2 years old at the time he finished.

but dont take my word for it, Im an old fart that works to the version before 16th.


Its one of those strange things Steptoe, he is fully trained to 17th edition, but to prove this he still requires the 17th edition C&G certificate. C&G have even made extra numbers for all exams, like the now 2391 which is split into two, was the 2400, change is good for revenue.

I could well understand this as I was trained to 15th, but to require someone who went to college overlapping 17th by 2 years, it does seem to be as you say, simply revenue driven.

BTW, for anyone interested, I got by without ever having a 16th, :Blushing

not that Im proud of that fact, just how things change,

and in todays workplace, you need every bit of paper going, even if I dont agree with it.

The 17th ed Qualification (2382) was designed to update older sparks with older qualifications to the current regulations. Your 2330 L3 is to the 17th so you do not require updating, however, it will look a bit deeper than you did at L3 and being qualified to the current regs you will be able to the shorter version (15hrs study, 30 question open-book multiple-guess exam).

It's probably worth you doing it, it's another certificate & another line on your CV,also some colleges will want you to have the 2382 before they'll accept you on a 2391 course.

The 17th ed Qualification (2382) was designed to update older sparks with older qualifications to the current regulations. Your 2330 L3 is to the 17th so you do not require updating, however, it will look a bit deeper than you did at L3 and being qualified to the current regs you will be able to the shorter version (15hrs study, 30 question open-book multiple-guess exam).It's probably worth you doing it, it's another certificate & another line on your CV,also some colleges will want you to have the 2382 before they'll accept you on a 2391 course.
My tutors said that too, Brian. But if you don't hold the 16th or held it within a certain time frame - he would have to do the longer course? the 2382-10 (60 questions), like I had to (didn't have the 16th) there was even sparks on the course with me, because they missed out on their timeframe of holding the 16th edition (2381) - one was only about four or five days out too. :(

Surely that is the same, nationwide?

My tutors said that too, Brian. But if you don't hold the 16th or held it within a certain time frame - he would have to do the longer course? the 2382-10 (60 questions), like I had to (didn't have the 16th) there was even sparks on the course with me, because they missed out on their timeframe of holding the 16th edition (2381) - one was only about four or five days out too. :( Surely that is the same, nationwide?
The C&G say you must have completed 2360, 2351 or 2330L3 after Jan 2004 or hold the 2381 (June 2001 onwards) to do the short version (2382-20) which is 15hrs study and 30 questions, otherwise you have to take the 2382-10 which is 30hrs study & 60 questions (still open-book multi-guess on-line exam).

Some candidates have taken the short version when they should have done the long version, the Guilds have refused to certificate these candidates.

Well I never, Thanks Brian.

I did the 2330 levels 2 and 3 and completed in 2008/2009 - I was told we had to do the long version of the 17th (2382-10). which I did. :_|

This isn't aimed personally at the OP, it's a scenario. :)

You go to college and do your 2330 L2, followed by the L3.

Your mates and some college lecturers tell you - 'you're qualified to the 17th, you don't have to do the 2382.

You go out into the big wide world and start sparkying.

A week later you're on 'talk.electricianforum' asking a daft, 'Regs' related question.

You get bombarded by the 'old hands' on here, demanding to know if you're competent to do the work you're undertaking.

And all because you didn't take the 2382. :)

In all seriousness, and I swear this, I learnt about 20% of what I know about the 'Regs' during my electrical training, and the other 80% on the 2382 course and from using the 'Regs' in practise - you do the maths!!

They might be teaching you to the 17th Edition, but 2330 is the 'foundation' knowledge that you need to be a spark, it doesn't cover half the stuff that's covered in the 'Regs', so you do need to do the course.......whether you choose the short version or the full is your decision, only you know how well you actually know your way around the book. :)

Mind you, this is only my opinion, others may think differently. :)
