Apprenticeships In Glasgow

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Jan 7, 2014
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Hi im looking for any help or advice i am currently attending a pre apprenticeship electrical training course which is due to end in mid january i have recently passed my sectt test in october .. Im looking for a electrian apprenticeship was wondering if anyone here could help with some advice on gaining an apprenticeship .. I have email companys with a copy of my cv but sadly had no reply... Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated .. Thanks ..

This is a shot in the dark but you could contact GTG training

in Glasgow.  If they do not do what you are wanting to do they

are possibly best placed to direct you to another training outfit

in your area who may be able to get you onto a Modern Apprenticeship

with a local employer.

Like I say, a shot in the dark but best of luck.

Hi thanks for the reply gave gtg a call they don't deal with electrical training only mechanics .. :( ... Has anyone any ideas who does deal with electrical training courses as rather than do nothing if there is a course I could do to gain a bit more electrical experience while I'm looking for a apprenticeship I would love to do that .. It's always something else for my c.v .. Thanks

Thanks for your reply I contacted mappit and there looking in to adding me onto the commonwealth youth fund scheme ... So thanks even though I'm not to sure what this entails but every little helps ... Got a few more replays today but sadly all not looking for anyone at the moment .. :(


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