Asbestos, take care

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Just received an email from my mate,s wife in Spain, to say he died yesterday from an asbestos related disease .

Known him for over 30 years , one of the good guys, he closed his business and moved to Spain,about 4 years ago, hoping the weather would help his arthritis and spend his retirement in the sun.

Sadly it was not to be . :|

He was a good mate and I shall miss him and his typical sparky's sense of humour.

So , as I,ve said before, if it looks like asbestos , walk away.

Sorry to hear the bad news Evans' E, it should remind us that we should work safely to live happily into our retirement and not be plagued by industrial illnesses.

Just as a thought why dont we have a Health & safety forum? We could discuss things like risk assessments, asbestos surveys, live working,ladder safety etc.

Your mate wouldnt have been given the benefit of this years ago along with all the others like my next door neighbour who also sadly passed away in March 2010 with asbestos related illness:(

Sad to say there are still people doing silly stuff with asbestos

Went to put in a fan last week and there was an asbestos soffit, so out came core cutter and fan went out gable end (made the job a bit more difficult, but safer)

Next door (my client's son) had a bathroom done by the social work and the contractor cut through the asbestos soffit (apparently it was the safe type headbang )

Not good

Sorry to hear about your friend Evans Electric. Very sad news. For all our sakes I hope news like this becomes a lot more uncommon in the future.

I abolutely agree with having a dedicated health and safety forum here.
