Asbestos - You Don't Have To Be Working On It For It To Kill You.

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Apparently its quite common too.

My mother in-law used to clean for a lady who had one of the asbestos related illnesses after washing ship yard overalls.

We've Just had asbestos awareness at work today - were all going to die!

We were shown a video about mesothelioma.  Stats in it said 2000 deaths a year, apparently now 4000 a year and expected to rise 2-3 time as high.

Really scary to be honest

Thanks for the link

I once turned down a job.  I was asked to quote to install storage heating in a cottage, that as soon as I looked at it, was obvious that it was a prefab. It soon became abundantly obvious that there was a lot of asbestos in the property.

I didn't want to open the can of worms that drilling holes might involve so politely refused the job.

I wonder what are the risks of living in a place like that?

Asbestos is as safe as anything when it is not disturbed i.e in its original installed state. Only when it is disturbed is it dangerous. It is still in he fabric of many buildings schools hospitals etc, however it has since been boxed in to prevent it being broken.

I remember at school, the ceiling of one of the corridors appeared to be a soft material.  It had several "dents" in it where kids had thrown stuff at it or poked it with a stick.

One summer holiday it was all removed and there was what looked like a bare, painted concrete ceiling in it's place.

I guess that was asbestos, so I'm probably doomed.

Should I get my claim in while I'm still able to enjoy it?

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Dave it's no laughing matter, it can take up to 8 weeks for dust to settle after major work. That's a long time for the asbestos to be floating in the atmosphere. If you knew the percentage of fibres that are considered lethal you wouldn't go outside without breathing apparatus. Apparently there is asbestos in the atmosphere at all times but at safe levels!! Sorry but it's either deadly or it isn't. The term 'In moderation' seems to apply to asbestos as well. This asbestos is carried around the world in the upper atmosphere before being dumped down to earth. It comes from the countries that still mine it.

I've had a quick Google and can't find anything to back the 4000 deaths and rising claim we were told today. I'll try to get a hold of the presentation tomorrow.

We were told by a strip company last August that the fibres from a small disturbance will take over 11 hours to settle in a still room.

The same company stripped out damage in half of one room, then the next.  They missed the bit in the middle, guess where our fire alarm cable went – yes the bit in between with the damaged asbestos lagging they missed.  They re-sampled the air and allegedly no disturbance.

They found asbestos ceiling tiles in some of the rooms, so they were battened for us to fit our gear.  They missed a cupboard in one of the rooms, it had been formed by erecting stud walls to meet the ceiling –so the tiles would have been the same material.  We got them back to sample; the survey came back as clear for them?!?!  Guy assumes that over the life of the building some broken asbestos tiles may have been replaced with none asbestos tiles.  So, depends if you hit lucky with the sample spots. You couldn’t tell any difference in the tiles.  Various rooms had speakers and projectors already cut into the tiles.  Someone’s had a dose!

It’s just horrible stuff, starting to wish I’d never retrained, hey ho; I’m off to bed to have nightmares :(

The father in law worked for a paper mill in Dartford years back. They had their own power station. One day there was an accident whereby I understand they dropped a large duct lined with asbestos in a packed powder/fibre etc form, from a height, in the turbine hall. He said that dust of course went everywhere. He took redundancy back in the mid 1980's and is now 83. Has had to have a lung x-ray annually since then. I think in the last couple of years that came to an end. Funnily enough a couple of years ago they noted a "shadow"...........then said it was nothing. Odd how the x-rays coming to an end coincide with the shadow!

Saying that he's as fit as, did 6 laps round Brands Hatch on a push bike (mine) earlier this year! Guess he's one of the lucky ones.

I spoke to an asbestos specialist last year.  He told me that the

work he was doing was first;

1.  Sealing.

2.  Removal under controlled conditions.

3.  Scouring the remains.

Can you imagine the number of visits that would be entailed in

these activities in these stages.

Sad story. 

Just wish they knew what they do now about the stuff, might have stopped them lacing everything in sight with it. Dread to think what materials we're using at the moment that in 30 years will be found to be detrimental to our health.

Asbestos is as safe as anything when it is not disturbed i.e in its original installed state. Only when it is disturbed is it dangerous. It is still in he fabric of many buildings schools hospitals etc, however it has since been boxed in to prevent it being broken.
Is that strictly true? I thought brown and blue in certain forms was so friable that air movement would cause the fibres to be blown about, so if it was installed like that years later it would still be throwing fibers everywhere.  

The more shocking story was the daughter who got it off her fathers overalls and was or is the youngest victim.  

As some may have noticed the whole thing fascinates me, deadly horrible stuff but interesting how long it took for any real action.  

Also so much is made of arc arresters, when its really the rest of the building that will really get you.   
